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wear correct uniform, behave appropriately, no violence, listen in class, show respect to all teacher and pupils, no swearing, complete all homework, follow your schools code of conduct

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Students are responsible for attending classes regularly, completing assignments on time, actively participating in classroom discussions, and following the school's rules and regulations. They should also seek help from teachers when needed, stay organized, and make an effort to achieve academic success.

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Q: Duties of student for school
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What are the duties of a compound prefect?

A compound prefect is responsible for overseeing student behavior and discipline within a school campus. They enforce rules, maintain order, and ensure that students adhere to the school's policies. Compound prefects also assist teachers and staff in promoting a safe and conducive learning environment for all students.

do you think school uniforms are a violation of student rights why or why not?

School uniforms can be seen as a restriction of personal expression, but they also promote a sense of equality among students and can help reduce distractions. Whether they are a violation of student rights may depend on individual perspectives and contexts.

What are the duties of compound prefect?

To check that the compound is cleaned

What are Duties of socail prefect in secondary school?

The duties of a social prefect in a secondary school typically include organizing social events such as dances, parties, and school trips, promoting school spirit and unity among students, serving as a liaison between students and school administration, and maintaining decorum during social activities. They may also play a role in handling disciplinary issues related to social events.

Why shouldn't parents get access to school records?

Parents should not have unrestricted access to school records to protect the privacy of the student, especially in cases where sensitive information is involved, such as disciplinary actions or mental health issues. Additionally, allowing parents access to school records could hinder the student's ability to have open and honest communication with school staff. School records should only be shared with parents on a need-to-know basis or with the student's consent.

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Can you prepare a chart on fundamental duties of a student in a school?

no, i can't prepare a chart on fundamental duties

What are the fundamental duties of school student?

to safe guard school propety and abjure violence

What are the duties of a professional teacher?

Be able to impart positively and make a change in student lives, To act as temperary parent for the time student been in school. To aid correction to the student.

Why guidance office is always available in school?

For student to do the right thing or let them know their duties.

What are the rights and duties of a student?

Usually, the rights and responsibilities of students (and the school) are listed in a student handbook. The handbook information may differ, somewhat, from school to school.Some responsibilities or duties a student has include:Show up for classes, and apply oneself to learningComplete assigned work in a timely mannertreat teachers or professors with respectpay all fees or charges due to the school for the education you receiveMost student rights are dictated by Federal, State and sometimes local laws.

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What is the school vice captain?

derek fisher.

What are the duties of a student towards his classmates and their parents?

Do the best you can on your school work, listen to what other student's'(say especially the smart ones), respect your parents and what they say( even though you think its rubbish and look forward to learning from being a student.

What are the duties of a sanitation prefect?

To ensure the overall neatness of the school environment

Explain few fundamental duties towards your school?

listening the teachers:- it will help the student to keep the things in our mind. respect teacher:- it will help the student to make personality towards students and other teachers.

What non teaching duties have you rendered?

non teaching duties in camous experience as a student teacher

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