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Let's look at the history and try to understand what this is about. First, there wasn't slavery in the northern states nor in the newest western states so he didn't have to "free" slaves in these states. Secondly, the southern states maintained that it was a States rights issue to determine if slavery was illegal or legal. When Lincoln was elected the southern states felt he would pass laws outlawing slavery so they left the union in April 12, 1861 beginning the civil war. Lincoln within the next 2 years got congress to pass the emancipation proclamation freeing 3 million slaves in the states in rebellion. Lincoln's whole goal was to keep the union together. He stipulated that if the southern states did not cease their rebellion by January 1st, 1863 the proclamation would go into effect. The confederacy didn't yield so it became law. Lincoln justified the law as a means to cripple the confederate states and because of the limits of presidential authority he limited it only to the states in rebellion. The Battle of Antietam added a victory to the union army and 5 days later the emancipation proclamation was issued.

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4mo ago

Lincoln believed that he had the authority to free slaves in rebel states under his powers as commander-in-chief during wartime to suppress the rebellion. He believed that freeing slaves in loyal states could further strain the fragile unity of the Union. He didn't want to alienate the border states and loyal slave owners, as he thought it could weaken the Union's war effort.

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he believed it because he just did

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Q: Why did Lincoln believe that he could legally free slaves in the rebel states and believed that he should not free slaves in states loyal to the Union?
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How did Lincoln and Douglas differ their views on slavery?

Lincoln believed that slavery was morally wrong and should not be expanded to new territories, while Douglas argued for popular sovereignty, allowing each state or territory to decide for themselves whether to allow slavery. Lincoln also believed that the Declaration of Independence's principle that "all men are created equal" applied to all individuals, regardless of race, while Douglas did not hold the same view.

Why did DredvScott sue his master for his freedom?

Dred Scott sued for his freedom because he had lived in states and territories where slavery was prohibited, and he believed that this should have made him a free man. He argued that his time in free territories had legally made him a free person.

Why does Sojourner Truth believe that women should have equal rights?

Sojourner Truth believed that women should have equal rights because she believed that all individuals, regardless of gender, deserved to be treated with dignity and respect. She argued that women were capable of achieving the same accomplishments as men and should have the same opportunities and rights. Truth's advocacy for women's rights was grounded in her belief in the equality and inherent worth of all individuals.

Of the following who argued that because slaves were legally considered property and were not allowed to vote they should not be counted?

James Madison advocated for enslaved individuals not to be counted towards population for the purpose of determining representation in Congress under the Three-Fifths Compromise during the Constitutional Convention. He believed that since slaves were considered property and had no political rights, they should not influence political power.

How does Bennet Barrow believe slaves should be treated?

Bennet Barrow believed that slaves should be treated with kindness and respect as God's creations, but he also believed in the institution of slavery as a necessary evil for maintaining social order and economic stability in the South. He advocated for fair treatment of slaves in terms of providing basic necessities and moderate discipline.

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