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thank Hollywood,The movie" wild one", Senater Yate's held up q 13" stiletto in front of congress and asked,Do we want our boyscouts carrying such a weapon? this has only one purpase. Sneak attack.

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10mo ago

Switchblades are often considered dangerous because they can be easily concealed and opened quickly with one hand, making them a potential threat in certain situations. Many jurisdictions have laws regulating or prohibiting switchblades to help decrease the risk of misuse or violence associated with them.

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Q: Why are switchblades illegal?
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Are switchblades illegal in Canada?

Yes, switchblades are illegal in Canada. They are considered prohibited weapons under the Criminal Code of Canada. It is illegal to possess, import, or sell switchblades in the country.

Are switchblades legal in MN?

No, switchblades are illegal to possess in Minnesota under state law.

Are switchblades illegal in Georgia?

Yes, switchblades are illegal to own, carry, or sell in Georgia. It is considered a misdemeanor offense and punishable by law.

Are Switchblades illegal in Texas?

Yes, switchblades are illegal to own, buy, sell, or carry in Texas. Texas law prohibits the possession of switchblades with a few exceptions for certain individuals, such as law enforcement officers.

Are switch blades legal in Indiana?

No, switchblades are illegal in Indiana. Possession, sale, and manufacture of switchblades are prohibited under state law.

Are switchblades legal in Massachusetts?

No, switchblades are illegal in Massachusetts. They are considered dangerous weapons and possession of them is a criminal offense in the state.

Is it illegal to purchase a throwing knife online in California?

Only switchblades are illegal in California.

Why are switchblades illegal in Indiana?

Switchblades are illegal in Indiana because they are considered dangerous weapons that can easily be concealed and used for criminal purposes. The state laws prohibit the possession, sale, and distribution of switchblades to help promote public safety and reduce the risk of violence.

Are switchblades legal in IL?

No, switchblades are illegal in Illinois. The state law prohibits the possession, sale, and manufacture of switchblade knives.

Are switchblades legal in Wisconsin?

No, switchblades are illegal in Wisconsin under state law. Possession of a switchblade in Wisconsin is considered a misdemeanor offense.

Are switchblades illegal in California?

Yes, switchblades are illegal to own, sell, or carry in California, except for limited exemptions such as for law enforcement or the military. Possessing a switchblade could result in criminal charges.

Does all gas stations sell switchblades?

No, they are illegal almost everywhere.