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Belgium was one of the first countries to adopt and apply the principle of Universal Jurisdiction in 1993. This principle allows states to prosecute individuals for serious crimes such as genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity regardless of where the crimes were committed or the nationality of the perpetrator.

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Q: Which among the following was the first country to adopt and apply the principle of Universal Jurisdiction?
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What is a Foreign legal consultant?

A foreign legal consultant is a lawyer from another jurisdiction who provides legal advice on the laws of their home country while working in a different jurisdiction where they are not qualified to practice law. They typically offer advice on the legal implications of transactions or conduct legal research for clients operating in multiple jurisdictions.

What is the right to be protected by the laws of ones own nation while in anthore country called?

This right is known as the principle of diplomatic protection. It ensures that a state will intervene on behalf of its citizen if they suffer harm in another country, seeking to obtain redress and protect their rights.

What are the difference between national laws and bylaws?

National laws are laws that are passed by a country's federal government and apply to the entire country. Bylaws are local laws or regulations set by smaller, local governing bodies such as cities or towns. While national laws are binding across the country, bylaws only apply within the jurisdiction of the specific local government that created them.

How much marijuana possession is classified as a felony?

The classification of marijuana possession as a felony varies by jurisdiction. In some states, possession of any amount of marijuana can be classified as a felony, while in others, it depends on the quantity possessed. It's important to check the specific laws in your state or country for accurate information.

Which of these is a case where the original jurisdiction is the federal courts?

United States District CourtsThe country is divided into many federal judicial "districts" each with its own US District Court and panel of judges. Any cases emanating from lower courts within the district would begin with that particular "District Court" and then, if necessary, proceed to the US Court of Appeals for [x] Circuit (whatever Circuit the particularly District Court happens to be in). The court with "original jurisdiction" is a trial court, the entry point into the judiciary. For cases of general jurisdiction, the United States District Courts have original jurisdiction over most cases. There are also "special" or "limited subject matter" jurisdiction courts, such as US Tax Court and US Bankruptcy Court that fall under the District Court umbrella (there are many limited subject matter courts that are not part of the District Court system, but these probably hear fewer cases each year). The US Supreme Court also hears a limited number of cases under original jurisdiction, mostly disputes between the states.

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What is the principle of extraterritoriality?

Extraterritoriality is the principle that allows a country to apply its laws and jurisdiction beyond its own borders. It is typically used in international relations to govern the legal status of foreigners and foreign activities within a country's territory. This principle can generate conflicts when one country asserts its jurisdiction over matters taking place in another country.

What is the European speed limit?

Europe does not have a universal speed limit. It is dependent on the country, the jurisdiction, and the road itself.

What is the protective principle?

The protective principle is a legal doctrine that allows a country to claim jurisdiction over a criminal offense committed outside its borders if the offense poses a direct threat to the country's national security or interests. It is a way for countries to prosecute individuals for crimes that may impact them, even if the crime was committed elsewhere.

What is the principle of Lotus case in relation to extra territorial jurisdiction?

The lotus case created the precedent (that was overturned article 11 of the 1958 High Seas Convention at Geneva) that the country can prosecute anything they want on their territory, and a ship is the territory of a country.

What is the international position regarding theft and jurisdiction?

Theft is a crime. If it occurred in Country"A's" jurisdiction, it is prosecuted d by Country "A."

What is the punishment for forging someones name to loan documents?

Laws and punishments are not universal. It depends on many variablessuch as the law in the particular jurisdiction, the amount of money involved, the criminal history of the defendant and the verdict made after a trial.

What year did universal male suffrage occur?

It varies from country to country.

Legal risk of business communication?

It depends on what country (or jurisdiction) your in....

What is the difference in a county police officer and a state trooper in s.c.?

State Troopers have authority and jurisdiction throughout the entiere state. Country officers have authority and jurisdiction only in the country where they are employed.

What do you have to do to get universal TV?

I assume when you say, "Universal TV", you are referring to channels outside of your country. To do this you will need to contact your TV cable provider and they can hookup a universal adapter that will allow you to view channels outside of the country.

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