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In whatever court has jurisdiction, probably where you both live. Or where you live, if you are apart.

However, has she been arrested, charged and convicted of bigamy? For it is a crime. If she has not, you are unlikely to win a civil judgment against her.

Consult with an attorney on this one. Such things involving marriage can be very complicated. The more so if there is more than two people involved.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

You can file a bigamy lawsuit against your wife in the court that has jurisdiction over the place where she resides or where the second marriage took place. It is advisable to seek legal advice before proceeding with legal action.

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Is bigamy illegal in the Caribbean?

Yes, bigamy is illegal in most Caribbean countries. It is considered a criminal offense, and individuals found guilty can face penalties such as fines or imprisonment. Each country may have its own specific laws regarding bigamy.

What is the past tense of 'sue'?

The past tense of sue is sued.

Who can file a bigamy case in the Philippines penal system?

In the Philippines, any spouse or interested party can file a bigamy case against an individual who is legally married to one person and enters into a second marriage. The offended party, the spouse in the first marriage, must provide evidence of the existing marriage and the subsequent bigamous marriage. Upon filing the case in court, the legal process will follow to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused.

What is the penalty if a woman married to a man who marriage for two times 1st wife 2nd wife and 3rd wife same last name all?

Bigamy is illegal in most countries, and marrying multiple partners without divorcing any of them is considered a criminal offense. Penalties can vary but may include fines, imprisonment, or annulment of the later marriages. It is important to abide by the laws of the jurisdiction in which one resides.

How do you file bigamy in the Philippines?

To file a bigamy case in the Philippines, you need to gather evidence such as marriage certificates, photos, and other relevant documents showing the first marriage and subsequent marriage. You can then file a criminal complaint with the local prosecutor's office or directly with the court. It is advisable to seek legal advice to guide you through the process.

Related questions

What is the root meaning of bigamy?

The 'bi' in bigamy means 'two,' or 'double.' The 'gam' means 'wife'.

What do you call a practice of one wife?

monogamy. two wives is bigamy/ polygyny two husbands is bigamy/ polyandry

If you live with someone 20 years and he is still married to first wife is that bigamy?

Probably not. Not terribly wise, but not bigamy.

What countries allow bigamy?

there are many country's where a man can have more then one wife.

Can you sue your wife and your wife's adulterous partner for adultery?

You can sue your wife for divorce, but I believe you can sue her 'partner' for 'Alienation of Affection'. Contact a lawyer. If you can prove that she left you for this 'partner' you might be successful.

What is the name of a type of marriage when it is legal to marry more than one wife?

It is NOT legal to have more than one wife. That is called bigamy.

Can you sue your wife or husband?


Wife gets married knowing she is still married to someone in Alabama is it legal?

No. The second marriage would not be legal, and the wife has committed the crime of bigamy.

He was arrested for A. bigamy B.philanthropy C.adroitness D. demagog?

A. Bigamy is the only activity listed that is a crime (the crime of marrying more than one wife). Philanthropy is charity; adroitness is with skill; a demagogue is a vain posturer.

How are the laws in Las Vegas different from Utah that will make life easier for the Browns of 'Sister Wives'?

In Nevada, so long as each of the wives maintains a separate residence, it is unlikely that the state can try Kody Brown on charges of bigamy. The Nevada bigamy laws are less defined than in Utah, and it is possible that since Kody is only legally married to one wife that he cannot be tried for bigamy. In Nevada, Bigamy is a Class D felony, punishable by 4 years in prison and a $5,000 fine. In Utah, the bigamy law states "A person is guilty of bigamy when, knowing he has a husband or wife or knowing the other person has a husband or wife, the person purports to marry another person or cohabits with another person." This covers the religious but not legally recognized marriage ceremonies that Kody participated in with his 3 other wives. Bigamy in Utah is a 3rd degree felony, punishable by 5 years in prison and a $5,000 fine.

Got married found out that the first divorce was not final?

Then you can file a case against your wife for cheating , and for bigamy as well.

Bigamy is having one wife too many monogamy is the same?

This is a humorous way of distinguishing between bigamy and monogamy. Bigamy is legally marrying more than one person at the same time, whereas monogamy is being married to only one person at a time.