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Black Codes. They were created by Southern states after the Civil War to regulate the activities and behaviors of freed slaves, restricting their rights and freedoms.

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Q: What was the name for rules that were used to try to control the lives of former slaves?
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Masters used physical punishment such as whipping, branding, and shackling to control slaves. They also used psychological tactics such as threats of separation from family or selling slaves to harsher owners. Additionally, they enforced strict rules and restrictions on slaves' movements and activities.

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Slaves on plantations were controlled through physical abuse, threats of punishment, and the enforcement of strict rules by overseers or plantation owners. Slaves were also subjected to forced labor, restricted movement, and denied basic rights to maintain control and prevent rebellion. Additionally, the legal system and cultural norms of the time supported the institution of slavery, further reinforcing control over slaves.

Why are the rules printed in ALL CAPS of the giver?

The rules in "The Giver" are printed in ALL CAPS to emphasize their importance in the strict society that Jonas lives in. The use of ALL CAPS conveys a sense of authority and control, reinforcing the idea that these rules are non-negotiable and must be followed without question.

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The three main rules of the slave codes were restrictions on slaves' movement, freedom to assemble, and literacy. These codes aimed to control and limit the autonomy and rights of enslaved individuals to prevent potential uprisings and maintain the institution of slavery.

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Slaves could face harsh punishments such as physical abuse, whipping, branding, or even death depending on their owner's rules and the severity of their actions. These punishments were used as a means of control and to deter other slaves from rebelling or escaping.

Who rules in a totalitarian government?

A dictator. Russia is a fine example, lenin was a totalitariast it means he wants to control ever aspect of his peoples lives e.g. religion, hobbies, past-times and ever other aspect of their lives

How did Pearl Harbor change history?

it changed the world by changing the rules, like rules of engagement and changing the lives of japans people for the rest of their lives.

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What is the name of the town Catherine lives in rules by Cynthia lord?

The town Catherine lives in, in the book "Rules" by Cynthia Lord, is called Friendship, Maine.

what were Oglethorpe's rules for Georgia?

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