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The Roman legal system had a profound impact on the development of modern legal systems worldwide. It introduced concepts such as equality before the law, due process, and the principle of innocent until proven guilty. These principles have influenced legal systems in many countries, shaping the foundation of modern legal frameworks.

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Q: What was the long term effects of the Roman legal system?
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Does legal have a long vowel sound?

The word "legal" does not have a long vowel sound. The "e" in "legal" is pronounced with a short /e/ sound as in "bed" or "get".

How long does one hit of marijuanna stay in your system?

The effects of one hit of marijuana usually last 1-3 hours, but traces of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, can be detected in your system for up to 30 days, depending on factors like frequency of use, metabolism, and body fat percentage.

Greco roman contributions to western legal traditions?

Greco-Roman contributions to Western legal traditions include the development of the concept of the rule of law, the establishment of legal codes such as the Code of Justinian, and the advancement of courtroom procedures and the role of lawyers. Additionally, the idea of justice, fairness, and equality before the law were important principles that influenced later legal systems in the Western world.

An example of how to use injustice in a sentence?

The injustice of the legal system was highlighted when an innocent person was wrongly convicted of a crime they did not commit.

Is it legal for a 19 year old male to have intercourse with a 16 year old female in KY?

In Kentucky, the legal age of consent is 16. Therefore, as long as the 16 year old female consents to the sexual activity, it would generally be legal for a 19 year old male to engage in intercourse with her. It is important to keep in mind that other factors, such as the presence of coercion or the use of force, could still lead to legal consequences.

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