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The intentional consequence of the action was to achieve a specific goal or result that was planned or desired. It was a deliberate outcome that was anticipated and intended by the individual or group performing the action.

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Q: What was the intentional consequence of that action?
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How do you use the word consequence in sentence?

You could say, "The consequence of not studying for the exam was failing it."

What are the 11 intentional torts?

The 11 intentional torts include assault, battery, false imprisonment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, trespass to land, trespass to chattels, conversion, defamation, invasion of privacy, fraud, and interference with contractual relations.

What is the principal difference between intentional torts and torts of negligence?

The main difference is in the intention behind the actions. Intentional torts are committed purposefully to harm or interfere with someone's rights, while negligence involves a failure to exercise reasonable care that results in harm. Intentional torts require intent, while negligence does not.

What are the four intentional torts?

The four intentional torts are battery, assault, false imprisonment, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. These are civil wrongs that involve intentional or purposeful conduct that causes harm to another person.

How can a company prevent intentional torts?

A company can prevent intentional torts by establishing clear policies and procedures that prohibit harmful behavior, providing regular training on appropriate workplace conduct, implementing effective communication channels for employees to report concerns, and conducting thorough investigations and taking prompt disciplinary action against offenders. Additionally, companies can obtain liability insurance to protect against potential legal claims arising from intentional torts.

Related questions

What is difference between Action and Reaction?

An action is the initial force or movement that occurs, while a reaction is the response or consequence that follows the action. Actions are typically intentional and within our control, whereas reactions are often instinctive or automatic.

Who does this action effect and how?

Every action usually has a consequence. It is the consequence that will determine how you will be affected.

What are the possibles consequence of intentional virus setting?

Very Bad consequences and can cause damage to your computer.

What does consequence?

a result of action

Which action can lead to intentional injuries?

getting into a fight

The word consequence in a sentence?

She had to face the consequence of her actions when she was reprimanded by her boss.

A consequence of the surface tension of water is what?

capillary action is a common consequence of surface tension.

What is the difference between result from and in?

A consequence is something that results from an action.An action results in a consequence.

General Intent vs Specific Intent?

General intent does not require an intentional unlawful action but only that a wrongful act was commtitted. Specific intent requires intentional unlawful action


the result or effect ofan action

What is a synonym for cause and effect?

action and consequence

How do you use the word consequence in sentence?

You could say, "The consequence of not studying for the exam was failing it."