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Slaves used passive resistance by pretending to be ill or working slowly, they used sabotage by breaking tools or damaging crops, and they used escape by running away from plantations to seek freedom.

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Q: What three forms of resistance did the slaves use?
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What kind of currency did slaves use?

usually slaves didnt posses money. but depending on where they are from, or put into slavery they use local currency if any. like Persian slaves would have to use greek currency if enslaved and given to a greek.

Why would a land owner rather use slaves the indentured servants?

Landowners may prefer slaves over indentured servants because slaves were considered property and could be bought, sold, and inherited, providing a more stable and long-term labor force. Slaves also had fewer legal rights and freedoms compared to indentured servants, who could negotiate for better conditions or leave after a set period. Furthermore, the racialized system of slavery made it easier to control and exploit enslaved individuals without the same level of backlash or resistance.

What codes did slaves use?

Slaves used various forms of communication and codes to share information discreetly, such as using secret songs, stories, and spirituals to communicate messages about escape routes or plans. They also used signal systems like the North Star or quilts to indicate safe houses or paths to freedom along the Underground Railroad. Additionally, some slaves used coded language or gestures to pass along messages without their owners understanding.

Did they use punishment on slaves?

Yes, punishment was commonly used on slaves as a means of control and discipline. This could include physical abuse such as whipping, branding, or other forms of violence. These harsh measures were intended to assert dominance and maintain order among the enslaved population.

Why would landower rather use slaves than indentured servents?

Landowners preferred using slaves over indentured servants because slaves were seen as a lifelong and inheritable source of labor, while indentured servants could only work for a limited period of time. Slaves were also considered to be a more profitable and reliable workforce as they were seen as a long-term investment. Additionally, the racial hierarchy of the time often justified the use of slaves over indentured servants.

Related questions

What weapons did they use to use on slaves?

they use whips to punish the slaves but they use guns to kill the slaves

Why did the Spanish begin to use African slaves on their plantations?

The Spanish began using African slaves on their plantations due to a shortage of indigenous laborers caused by disease, exploitation, and resistance. African slaves were seen as a more available and cost-effective labor source for colonial agriculture.

What does the Lord's resistance army group do with children it abduct?

they induct them into their army and force them toburn down their homes and kill their families. they use the women they abduct for sex slaves.

What did slaves use for transportation?

slaves did not use any transport they mostly walked

How do you use resistance decade box?

we use it when we require a variable resistance in a circuit

Use the word resistance in a sentence?

Resistance is futile!

Can you use resistance in place of diode in clipping circuits?

no we not use resistance in place of diode.

Three resistances each of 4 ohm are connected to form a triangle the resistance between any two terminals is?

That's like having a series combination of 4 + 4 ohms, in parallel with another resistance of 4 ohms. Calculate the series resistance, then use the parallel formula to combine it with the third resistance.

What transportation did slaves use to get to Canada?

Slaves mostly walked..

Is not one of the three tenets of the imagist poets?

Use of poetic forms with regular, predictable rhyme and rhythm schemes

What is the use of resistance box?

The use of a resistance box or a "Decade Box" is to help calibrate instruments used to measure electrical values such as Voltage, Current, and Resistance. Without them you would not have a known value of resistance to use as a set point.

Did Columbus use slaves to pay his ships crew?

No. No slaves were involved.