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Sociology is the social science that is concerned with how societies are organized, including their rules, regulations, and laws. It explores how social structures and institutions impact human behavior and interactions within a society.

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Q: What social science is concerned with how many people have organized the rules regulations and laws of societies?
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What is the study of how people have organized systems of government including the laws rules and regulations of their societies throughhout history is called?

The study of how people have organized systems of government, laws, rules, and regulations throughout history is called political science or political history. It aims to understand the development, structure, and functioning of government systems and how they impact societies.

How science is related to law?

Science is related to law in various ways, such as in cases involving expert witnesses providing scientific evidence or analysis, testing of forensic evidence for criminal investigations, and regulations of scientific practices in areas such as health and environmental protection. Additionally, scientific studies and research can inform the development of legislation and legal standards in fields like technology, medicine, and the environment.

How is scientific study similar to legal process?

Both scientific study and the legal process involve gathering evidence, evaluating it based on established rules or criteria, and drawing conclusions. Both also require attention to detail, adherence to established procedures, and the ability to present findings in a clear and logical manner. Both fields also often involve peer review or scrutiny to ensure the validity and reliability of the conclusions drawn.

Why is law considered a social science?

Law is considered a social science because it studies the rules and regulations that govern society and human behavior. It analyzes how these rules are created, applied, and enforced within a social context, taking into account the interactions and relationships between individuals and groups in a given society. Additionally, law often draws on other social sciences, such as sociology, psychology, and political science, to understand and address legal issues.

How many laws are there in science?

There is no definitive number of laws in science as new laws are discovered and formulated over time. Some well-known laws in science include Newton's laws of motion, the laws of thermodynamics, and the laws of conservation of mass and energy.

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This social science is concerned with how people have organized the rules regulations and laws of societies.?

political science

What is This social science is concerned with how people have organized the rules regulations and laws of societies.?

This social science is sociology. Sociology examines social behaviors, interactions, and institutions within societies, including how rules, regulations, and laws are developed and function to regulate behavior and maintain social order.

The study of how people have organized systems of governments including the laws rules and regulations of their societies throughout history is called?

The study of how people have organized systems of governments including the laws, rules, and regulations of their societies throughout history is called political science or political theory. It involves analyzing the structure, functioning, and evolution of governments and their impact on society.

What would a political scientist be most likely to study?

the history of the organized laws, rules, and regulations of societies. A+

What is the study of how people have organized systems of government including the laws rules and regulations of their societies throughhout history is called?

The study of how people have organized systems of government, laws, rules, and regulations throughout history is called political science or political history. It aims to understand the development, structure, and functioning of government systems and how they impact societies.

What is the meaning of social discipline?

Social discipline is defined as a science that is concerned with relationships among societies and individuals. The social sciences include anthropology, psychology, economics, sociology, and political science.

What is science and where does sociology fit in?

Science is a systematic and organized way of studying the natural and social world through observation, experimentation, and analysis to explain phenomena. Sociology is a social science that focuses on the study of human society, social behavior, and social structures. It examines how individuals interact within a society and how societies are organized and change over time.

The social sciences concerned with how people have organize the rules regulations and laws of society?

political science

What field of archeology which studies societies?

The study of societies, both past and present is a separate and distinct area of science. The best answer to this question is that Anthropology is the science that studies societies, their physical characteristics, their origins and their environment.

What is the science concerned with designing safe and comfortable machines for humans?

Ergonomics is the science concerned with designing safe and comfortable machines for humans.

How is science different from logic?

Science is concerned with understanding the universe in which we live, and logic is a purely abstract discipline concerned with understanding how to think.

What science is concerned with universe?
