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Malcolm X's white classmates likely had restrictions on their acceptance of him due to racial prejudice and segregation during that time period. White classmates may have viewed him as inferior or discriminated against him based on his race, which could have affected their ability to fully accept him as an equal peer.

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Q: What restrictions do Malcolmx white classmates have on their acceptance of him?
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Which event is an example of how slaves attempted to resist slavery?

The Stono Rebellion in 1739, where a group of slaves in South Carolina attempted to escape to Florida, is an example of slave resistance against slavery. This event resulted in the death of several white settlers and increased restrictions on slaves in the region.

How were mixed raced slaves treated?

Mixed-race slaves were generally subjected to harsher treatment than other slaves because they were often seen as a threat to the racial hierarchy due to their proximity to whiteness. They faced discrimination, mistreatment, and exploitation from both white slaveowners and other enslaved individuals. Additionally, they often struggled to find acceptance and a sense of belonging within both white and Black communities.

In the south free blacks were?

In the South, free blacks faced discrimination, limited rights, and restrictions on their movements. They often lived in segregated communities and were subject to harsher laws than white individuals. Despite their free status, they still had to navigate a society that denied them full citizenship and equality.

How did the south restrict newly freed slaves?

The South restricted newly freed slaves through the implementation of Black Codes, which imposed severe limitations on their rights and freedoms. These codes aimed to control the labor and movements of African Americans, restrict their access to education and land ownership, and maintain white supremacy in the region. This system of discriminatory laws perpetuated social and economic inequality for generations.

Who was the slave whose violent rebellion led many states to strengthen their slave codes?

Nat Turner was the slave whose violent rebellion in Virginia in 1831 led to many Southern states tightening their slave codes in order to prevent future uprisings. Turner's rebellion resulted in the deaths of around 60 white people and hundreds of Black people, and it led to increased restrictions on enslaved individuals and free Black people throughout the South.

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