A slave owner needed documentation, such as a bill of sale or other legal paperwork, to prove ownership and reclaim their slave. Typically, this evidence would need to show that the slave in question was legally owned by the individual seeking to reclaim them.
An indentured slave is a person who works under a contract for a specified period of time to pay off a debt or secure passage to a new country. Once the debt is paid or the contract is fulfilled, the indentured slave gains freedom. In contrast, a slave is a person who is owned as property for life and lacks personal freedom.
In most cases, once you gift a puppy to someone, you no longer have legal ownership over the pet, even if it's registered in your name. If you want to reclaim the puppy, you would typically need to negotiate with the new owner or seek legal advice. It's important to consider the well-being of the pet and handle the situation with care.
The cost of buying freedom as a slave varied greatly depending on the time period, location, individual circumstance, and the slave owner's willingness to sell. In some cases, slaves were able to save money over time or negotiate their freedom through labor or services rendered. Other times, the price was set at a fixed amount based on market conditions or the perceived value of the slave.
A runaway slave would need protection, a safe hiding place, and access to food and water to survive and evade capture. They would also benefit from support and guidance from individuals or organizations that oppose slavery and are willing to help them escape to freedom.
To remove your name from your mother's car title and registration, you will need to contact your local DMV or equivalent agency. They will be able to provide you with the necessary forms and instructions to transfer ownership or remove your name from the documents. You may need to provide proof of identity and sign relevant paperwork to complete the process.
Sure, why not? You can sue for any reason. However, you need some sort of proof if you would like to actually win...
you need papers that show you are the owner and know what your talking about
They need the REGISTERED owner to come pickup the car and provide I.D. and insurance. Also call the finance company to find out how you can make the payment to be allowed to reclaim your car.
To reclaim his kingdom from his nephew.
Go to the local state DMV office and fill out the application for a duplicate title. The person will need proof of ownership and the VIN # of the motorcycle. Proof of ownership can be a bill of sale or a notarized statement from the previous owner transferring ownership to the present owner.
No. A prudent buyer will want proof that you are the owner of the real estate. If you owned the property as joint tenants with the right of survivorship with your husband the only proof that you are the surviving owner is a death certificate or a probate proceeding allowed by the probate court. You need to record a death certificate in the land records to clear the title. In some states you also need to record some proof there are no inheritance taxes due.
If you're not on the title you have no claim to the car. You would need to sue the owner in court and win a judgment in your favor.If you're not on the title you have no claim to the car. You would need to sue the owner in court and win a judgment in your favor.If you're not on the title you have no claim to the car. You would need to sue the owner in court and win a judgment in your favor.If you're not on the title you have no claim to the car. You would need to sue the owner in court and win a judgment in your favor.
you dont need to know
Make certain to keep the bills paid and make certain you keep a record of proof that you paid them. You will need to sue the co-owner for reimbursement.
An indentured slave is a person who works under a contract for a specified period of time to pay off a debt or secure passage to a new country. Once the debt is paid or the contract is fulfilled, the indentured slave gains freedom. In contrast, a slave is a person who is owned as property for life and lacks personal freedom.
you need proof
In most cases, once you gift a puppy to someone, you no longer have legal ownership over the pet, even if it's registered in your name. If you want to reclaim the puppy, you would typically need to negotiate with the new owner or seek legal advice. It's important to consider the well-being of the pet and handle the situation with care.