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An eye for and eye, tooth for a tooth

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Betty Wilderman

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The principle of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" was central to many of Hammurabi's laws. This principle emphasized the concept of proportionate justice, ensuring that the punishment matched the crime.

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Q: What principle was the basis for many of the laws in Hammurabis's code?
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First major collection of laws in history?

The Code of Hammurabi, created around 1754 BC in ancient Babylon, is considered one of the first major collections of laws in history. It included around 282 laws covering various aspects of life, such as commerce, marriage, and criminal behavior. The code is known for its principle of "an eye for an eye."

Whose laws did Darius base his own set of laws on?

Darius has not gone down in history as a lawmaker. But Persia during his reign had a system of laws based on Hammurabi's earlier Mesopotamian code, that had "King's laws" that were valid for the whole nation next to local laws and customs. The only set of laws that Darius ever ordered was a codification of the laws of Egypt. The basis here remained the ancient Egyptian laws and customs themselves that for the most part had never been properly codified.

When the laws of the Byzantine legal system were rewritten, they were called?

The laws of the Byzantine legal system were rewritten under the Emperor Justinian I and the reformed code was called the "Codex Justinianus." It was one of the four parts of the Corpus Juris Civilis, a comprehensive compilation of Roman laws.

Which of the following statements expresses an important concept of the Code of Justinian?

One important concept of the Code of Justinian is the principle that all citizens are equal before the law. This ensured that justice was applied fairly and impartially, regardless of social status or wealth.

Why would a written legal code be an imporvement over an oral set of laws?

A written legal code provides clarity and consistency in the interpretation and application of laws. It also ensures that laws are accessible to the public and can be easily referenced. Additionally, a written legal code can help prevent inconsistencies and alterations in the laws over time.

Related questions

What principle was the basis for many of the laws in Hammurabi code?

An eye for and eye, tooth for a tooth

What principle was the basis for many of the laws in Hammurabi's?

An eye for and eye, tooth for a tooth

What was the guiding principle for the laws in Hammurabis Code?

The guiding principle is that if you do something wrong you have punishment

How has the Napoleonic Code affected the US today?

It remains the basis for the Louisiana laws.

What contribution did the emperor Justinian make in the field of laws?

He is famous for his code of laws which was/is the basis for much European law.

What principle was a fundamental part of the code of hmmurabi?

The central principle within the code of Hammurabi was fair and just for its ancient era of time. Basically the idea was that all laws and punishments for breaking the laws should be placed in writing so that every citizen knew what the laws were. This was an outstanding achievement.

How do overseas laws in principle differ from Anglo Saxon common law?

Some countries and provinces, France, Mexico and Quebec, have a historical precedent in Code Napoleon, which differs from Anglo-Saxon Common on the basis of presumption. In Anglo, U are innocent until proven. In Code Napoleon you are guilty until proven.

Why was Justinian's code of law important?

It was important because before the Justinian Code it was hard to enforce the Roman Laws so they made the Justinian Code the basis for the legal systems of most modern European countries. It created a unified code of laws for the empire. It collected Roman laws into one code.

What is the following of principle contained the code of Justinian?

imperial judges can interpet the laws of the empire

What was the basis for the laws of the Ottoman empire?

Islamic law was the basis of the laws of the Ottoman Empire.

What was the babylonian king Hammurabi is best know for?

Hammurabi made the first system of laws caled the Code of Hammurabi. the 282 case laws can be read on a stone slab. The laws regulated trade, family life and land use and punished people who did wrong against other people and their property. The principle was an eye for an eye.

What was the importance of the Justinian code that was created during emperor justians reign?

It was a code of laws that served as the foundation of international law that is still used today. The Justinian Code was very important because it was used as a fundamental law basis even in the U.S. today. It provided the laws on marriage, property, slaves, and other important issues.It was a code of laws that served as the foundation of international law that is still used today.