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The enslavement of Africans in the 17th century was different from previous forms of slavery in that it was based on race, with Africans being specifically targeted for bondage. This racialized form of slavery led to the development of the transatlantic slave trade, where millions of Africans were forcibly transported to the Americas to work on plantations. Additionally, African slaves in this period were often subjected to harsher treatment and enduring chattel slavery, meaning they were treated as property for life.

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Q: What made the enslavement of Africans in the 17th century different from previous forms of slavery?
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What year started slavery?

Slavery has existed for thousands of years, but the transatlantic slave trade involving the forced migration of Africans to the Americas began in the early 16th century and intensified in the 17th century.

Most west Africans in the early sixteenth century made a living as?

Most West Africans in the early sixteenth century made a living through agriculture, fishing, trading, and craftsmanship. Many communities were involved in producing goods for trade, such as textiles, metalwork, and pottery, while others pursued livelihoods based on hunting and gathering. Trade routes across the region also provided opportunities for people to engage in commerce and exchange goods with neighboring communities.

When was slavery practiced?

Slavery has been practiced for thousands of years, with records of slavery dating back to ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The transatlantic slave trade, which forcibly transported Africans to the Americas as slaves, began in the 16th century and was abolished in the 19th century. Today, slavery persists in various forms in different parts of the world, despite being outlawed in most countries.

Did slavery become established in the southern colonies in the 1600s?

Yes, slavery became established in the southern colonies in the 1600s, with Virginia seeing the first Africans arriving as slaves in 1619. The institution of slavery grew throughout the century as labor demands increased in the region.

Did they have slavery in 1630?

Yes, slavery existed in 1630. In the early 17th century, slavery was prevalent in European colonies, including those in the Americas. Africans were forcibly brought to the Americas to work on plantations and in households as enslaved people.