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Copyright law.

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Q: What is the name of the law preventing people from copying other peoples work?
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How were the rights of people restricted?

Which means they can only be restricted in order to protect the rights of other people or if it's in the public interest for specific reasons such as the prevention of crime. For example, the Government may restrict the right to freedom of expression if a person is encouraging racial hatred.

Who were the victims of slavery?

The victims of slavery were primarily Africans who were captured, transported, and enslaved in the Americas, Europe, and other parts of the world. Slavery has also affected Indigenous peoples, as well as individuals from various marginalized groups who were subjected to forced labor and exploitation throughout history.

What type of laws did the Persians have?

The Persians had a legal system that included laws related to property rights, contracts, and criminal offenses. The laws were often based on principles of justice and fairness, with penalties for offenders ranging from fines to corporal punishment or exile. They were enforced by local magistrates and officials appointed by the Persian king.

How did treaties affect the relationship between First Nations people?

Treaties varied in their impact on the relationship between First Nations people and colonial powers. Some treaties resulted in land dispossession, forced relocation, and loss of autonomy for Indigenous communities. Other treaties were beneficial, guaranteeing rights, protections, and resources for First Nations people. Overall, treaties significantly shape the ongoing relationship between Indigenous peoples and the government today.

Is writing on cars considered vandalism in Illinois?

Yes, writing on cars without permission is considered vandalism in Illinois. It can result in criminal charges and penalties. It is important to obtain permission before writing on someone else's property.

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Is copying half a page of a book procrastinism?

No, copying other people works into your own (without acknowledging this) is called plagiarism.

Is it still plagierizing if I give credit to the person who wrote the words?

No it is not plagierizing if you give credit for the person who wrote it because it technically is copying it and placing it somewhr else just like people say other peoples quptings.

Why are computer viruses created?

When people sometimes just do it for fun to make people angry and to find out other peoples secrets and to steal other peoples money.

Why if you are soo great do people insist on sniffing other peoples noses?

i have no idea what you are trying to ask here.... people sniffing other peoples nonses? that is just weird.

How can bloom syndrome be prevented?

It is hereditary, not much you can do about preventing it, other than preventing people with it from reproducing & that isn't likely to happen.

How does alcoholism effect other people?

it actually effects other peoples brain

Where do people lick each other?

Because people enjoy other peoples taste! Especially down below

What Dose It Mean When Two People Yawn At The Same Time?

When two people yawn at the same time means one is sleepy. The other is just copying the other.

A dog can learn other peoples names?

yes they can learn other people's names

How do other people's prejudice affect your life?

how do other peoples prejudice affect your life ?

Does other peoples paintings need an apostrophe?

Yes. It should be: other people's paintings

What did the people of Pompeii keep there wine in?

The people of Pompeii, like all other ancient peoples, kept wine in jugs. The larger jugs were called amphora.The people of Pompeii, like all other ancient peoples, kept wine in jugs. The larger jugs were called amphora.The people of Pompeii, like all other ancient peoples, kept wine in jugs. The larger jugs were called amphora.The people of Pompeii, like all other ancient peoples, kept wine in jugs. The larger jugs were called amphora.The people of Pompeii, like all other ancient peoples, kept wine in jugs. The larger jugs were called amphora.The people of Pompeii, like all other ancient peoples, kept wine in jugs. The larger jugs were called amphora.The people of Pompeii, like all other ancient peoples, kept wine in jugs. The larger jugs were called amphora.The people of Pompeii, like all other ancient peoples, kept wine in jugs. The larger jugs were called amphora.The people of Pompeii, like all other ancient peoples, kept wine in jugs. The larger jugs were called amphora.