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Adversarial is an adjective that means characterizing or involving opposition or conflict. In law it refers to a scenario whereby the parties in a given dispute have the responsibility of finding and presenting evidence.

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14y ago

An adversarial justice system is the type used in the US, the term adversary can be interpreted as the opposition. This type of system basically takes two parties in conflict and allows them both to present their case and then make a decision based on the evidence.

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13y ago

In the US, we have an adversarial legal system. Basically, this comes down to the fact that there are two (or sometimes more) sides that oppose each other, and the court has the position of listening to each side and deciding which is right.

The above is correct, but can be expanded. The adversarial system of law is also known as the Common Law system. this system of law is different to the civil system of law which is from European nations derived from Roman heritage, whereas the Common law system is of British ancestry.

These types of systems should not be confused with the 'common law' which is judge made law from the courts, nor should it be confused with civil law proceedings which is between two people as opposed to criminal law.

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The adversarial system is the way the court system works. It refers to the way two attorneys argue a case in front of a judge.

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The American legal system is adversarial because there are two parties arguing their case. It is the way that things are decided that makes it adversarial.

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Which is the term for the system of laws in the US?

Adversarial system.

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Adversarial system.

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What is an adversarial system?

The Adversarial System is the justice system that is used in countries like Australia, Britain, and America. It relies on a contest between each of the advocates (speaker) representing his or her party's positions and involves an impartial person or group of people, usually a judge or jury, who try to determine the truth of the case. The adversarial system is normally used in common law countries. An exception, for instance in the US, may be made for minor violations, such as traffic offences.. The adversarial system is the two-sided structure where criminal trial courts operate and put the prosecution against the defence. The case is won when either party has been able to convince the judge and jury that their view is correct.

Which is the term for the system of law in The United states?

Adversarial system