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During Corazon Aquino's era, the Justice System of the Philippines underwent reforms aimed at restoring democracy and rule of law after the Marcos Dictatorship. Aquino focused on restoring the independence of the judiciary, strengthening human rights protections, and promoting the accountability of government officials. She established a commission to investigate human rights abuses and enacted laws to improve the legal system, such as the Witness Protection Program.

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Q: What is the Justice System of the Philippines during Corazon Aquino's era?
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What can you say about the state of the justice system in the Philippines today?

The justice system in the Philippines faces challenges including inefficiency, corruption, and a backlog of cases. Efforts are being made to reform the system and improve access to justice for all citizens. Public trust in the justice system remains a concern that needs to be addressed.

Who is the lady justice in the Philippines?

The Lady Justice in the Philippines is a symbol of justice and represents the judiciary system in the country. She is depicted blindfolded to symbolize impartiality and equality under the law. The image is commonly seen in courthouses and legal institutions across the Philippines.

How are law enforced in Philippines?

Laws in the Philippines are enforced by various government agencies such as the Philippine National Police (PNP), National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), and Bureau of Customs. The justice system involves investigation, prosecution, and adjudication of cases with the goal of delivering justice and upholding the rule of law. Enforcement can vary in effectiveness due to factors like resources, corruption, and legal processes.

Why is ex post facto law prohibited in the Philippines?

Ex post facto laws are prohibited in the Philippines to protect individuals from being punished for actions that were not considered criminally wrong when they were committed. This prohibition ensures that individuals are not penalized for acts that were lawful at the time they were committed. It also upholds the principles of fairness, justice, and the rule of law in the legal system.

How do you use the word justice in a simple sentence?

The judge ensured justice was served in the courtroom.

Related questions

What can you say about the state of the justice system in the Philippines today?

The justice system in the Philippines faces challenges including inefficiency, corruption, and a backlog of cases. Efforts are being made to reform the system and improve access to justice for all citizens. Public trust in the justice system remains a concern that needs to be addressed.

Who is the lady justice in the Philippines?

The Lady Justice in the Philippines is a symbol of justice and represents the judiciary system in the country. She is depicted blindfolded to symbolize impartiality and equality under the law. The image is commonly seen in courthouses and legal institutions across the Philippines.

Does the Philippines has the best criminal justice system compared to other countries?


What are the advantage criminal justice system of the Philippines compared to US?

Some advantages of the criminal justice system in the Philippines compared to the US include a simpler legal system with less bureaucracy, lower costs for legal proceedings, and a focus on restorative justice. Additionally, the Philippine system places a higher emphasis on community involvement and rehabilitation of offenders.

Who is the secretary of social security system in the Philippines?

Secretary Dinky Soliman. See the link below for all officials of the Department of Social Welfare and Development as well as a time line of the history of the organization.

What is the Justice system of the Philippines today?

We all have different understanding of what justice really is. Some would say Justice is dependent on power and it is only available for rich people. Some would say that justice is given when one receives what he believes is due or must be really given to him/her just as in the case of those who were affected by the typhoon by merely receiving reliefs from NGOs and gov. Is this what we call justice? When we receive these reliefs from them? Is justice only granted when we are hopeless and no one could turn to? According to my favorite Philosopher, Leibniz, Justice is a constant will to act in such a way that no one has reason to complain to us. Moreover, it makes athwart to selfish motives and lead us to a charitable act without having any motives why we are doing as such. Furthermore, justice then is the charity of the wise wherein one does need to be in a helpless situation for him to receive justice. Now, when asked how does the system of justice work in the philippines? I say, the justice system does not really at work!!!! :)

Five pillars of criminal justice system?

The five pillars of the criminal justice system include: enforcement 2.investigation and prosecution 3.the courts 4.the correctional system 5.the community

How long does an Estafa case prosper in the Philippines?

It will take forever if you will file here in the philippines especially if you are not following up the case. The justice system here is terribly unsystematic. I was really disappointed that I lived in this country, it was so frustrating as well.

What is the system of Measurement adopted in the Philippines?

what is the system of measurement adoptd by the philippines

Hammurabis code has influenced your justice system?

It did not influenced the justice system. The legal code that influenced the justice system was "Justinian's code"

What is a credit system of the Philippines?

There is no credit system in the Philippines, They dont even know what is a credit system

What is the credit system of the Philippines?

There is no credit system in the Philippines, They dont even know what is a credit system