"aristocracy" is "rule of the aristocrats" when rich people are in control of the government
Aristocracy mean the high class. This means the higher wealth and more educated class of people.
England became the first industrialised country. The ownership of land, which had been the aristoracy's means of controlling the populace became increasingly irrelevent as more money was made in factories.
England became the first industrialised country. The ownership of land, which had been the aristoracy's means of controlling the populace became increasingly irrelevent as more money was made in factories.
James I was not killed by Guy Fawkes, the plot was discovered in time. The Gunpowder Plot, an attempt to kill James I and most of the Protestant aristoracy was led by Robert Catesby. Others involved in the plot were Thomas and Robert Winter, John and Christopher Wright, Robert Keyes, Thomas Percy, John Grant, Ambrose Rokewood, Sir Everard Digby, Francis Tresham and Thomas Bates.