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everyone born in the U.S.A. is a sovereign American even voluntary dismissal of the Fact does not deny the Fact . example, a human can sign, say and even act as though they are not human but despite all of this in Fact , Truth and Common Law they still remain human no matter what . after all who is it that declares Independence , constructs a Constitution and posts a Bill of Rights if not Sovereign Humans . there is non Greater than the burning of a Sun , the creation of a Universe or the beating of a Heart . so anyone that holds citizenship over humanity is illegitimate , illogical and immoral

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8mo ago

A sovereign American is a citizen who possesses the highest authority over their own affairs within the boundaries of the law. This typically includes rights such as voting, freedom of speech, and property ownership.

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There are no requirements for an American citizen. The American citizen is supposed to be sovereign and free. An American is supposed to be a citizen at birth, with all rights and privileges that entails with no oath, duty or debt to anyone or thing.

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Actually you are born sovereign.

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The American Revolutionary War established the United States as an autonomous, sovereign nation.

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You may be thinking of Vermont, or perhaps Texas, both of which were once Republics. But once they decided to join the United States, they ceased to be independent nations and were part of the Union.

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Radio Sovereign was created in 1983.

Does lady sovereign have a child?

No, Lady Sovereign does not have any children.

What country does Lady Sovereign come from?

Lady Sovereign is from England.