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Slavery replaced the system of indentured servitude in many parts of the world, including the American colonies. Slavery involved the forced labor of individuals for the benefit of their owners, without the promise of eventual freedom.

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Q: What institution replaced the system of indentured serventude?
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In Colonial America slavery replaced what labor system?

indentured servitude (Study Island)

What system of labor did slaves replace?

Slaves replaced indentured servants as a system of labor in many colonies in the Americas. Indentured servants were individuals who worked in exchange for passage to the Americas and eventual freedom, while slaves were forced into lifelong servitude without hope of freedom.

What replaced the system of indentured servitude?

The system of indentured servitude was gradually replaced by chattel slavery in the Americas, where enslaved people were treated as property and exploited for forced labor. This transition occurred as demand for labor increased, and the transatlantic slave trade became more established as a means of obtaining cheap, unfree labor.

What was an indentured survent?

Indentured servitude was a type of forced labor in early America. It was most prevalent in Jamestown and other early colonies. Basically, how it works is: Steve wants to go to America from the old world, but is too poor to pay for boat passage. Henry is rich and going to America, and tells Steve, "Hey, if you work for me for a few years (commonly about 4, later around 7 years) I'll pay for your passage to America." However, indentured servants would SELDOM, if ever, live out their contracts. For this reason, many people say the system of indentured servitude was the same as the institution of non-racial slavery, because the indentured servants worked for no pay for the rest of their lives. The system of indentured servitude started to collapse when servants started to outlive their contracts. It was replaced before long by a racial system of slavery brought to the present-day lower 48 states from the Caribbean.

What system allowed people to free passage to the colonies in return for a promise to work?

The Headright System! Indentured Servitude

How did the institution of slavery evolve from a system similar to indentured servitude to a system in which slaves were viewed as chattel how did the slave culture reflect their experience?

Indentured servitude was for the workers who volunteered to work for others as a way to pay for passage to the New World. People who wanted to make money, saw a need for slavery, and started stealing people from Africa to work the big plantations.?æ

How did indentured servitude in the Chesapeake?

The headright system. :)

How did the headright system encourage indentured servitude?

It promised indentured servants "freedom dues" and sometimes a plot of land.

System that allowed workers to move to the colonies by paying their passage in return for a promise to work?

The Headright System! Indentured Servitude

What was an effect of indentured servitude on southern society?

One effect of indentured servitude on southern society was the reliance on cheap labor to support the economy, particularly in agriculture. This system contributed to the growth of plantation-based agriculture and the establishment of a hierarchical society based on race and class.Indentured servitude also reinforced the institution of slavery, as it created a precedent for the exploitation and control of laborers.

How did the plantation system and the lack of indentured servanted affect the status of Africans in America?

The plantations system and the lack of indentured servants in America affected the status of Africans in America because Africans where slaves and the would work eternally unlike indentured servants who only worked temporarily.

How did the plantation system and lack of indentured servants affect the status of Africans in America?

The plantations system and the lack of indentured servants in America affected the status of Africans in America because Africans where slaves and the would work eternally unlike indentured servants who only worked temporarily.