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A droped case

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The outcome of the case

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βˆ™ 12y ago

reopen case

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Q: What does disposed mean in a divorce court case?
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I am researching my boyfriend's divorce and am curious about the case being disposed means. Does this mean that the case was closed even though neither parties showed up to court?

see link for answer

What does re-disposed mean in a court of law?

reopen case

What does disposing a court case mean?

A court case that refers to something having been disposed means that something has been cast away or thrown away. It can also be used to mean a given court case has been dismissed.

What does it mean in a divorce case stricken-no appearance?

No appearence means that someone who was meant to be present, in court, wasn't there - didn't appear = no appearence. And without that person there, the court couldn't do anything about the divorce case.

In a divorce if you dispose and withdrawal what does that mean?

Ok well if something was Disposed of that would mean that they did away with something. Withdrawl if your attorney did this it would mean that they would no longer represent you for the case.

What does this mean Case disposed with disposition of the court finding?

When a case comes to High Court/Supreme Court the case will be first listed and tracked with "Pending" Status,when argument for the case happens and Honorable Judge listens the arguments and feel that he can take a decision on the case then the Judgment Will be reserved and the case will be disposed. The case disposed doesn't mean that it is in favour of the appealed or not it only means that the case has been heard and a judgment has been made.

What does it mean when your case status is active but disposed?

When a case status is active but disposed, it typically means that the case is no longer pending or open, but that it has been resolved or completed in some way. The term "disposed" generally indicates that a final decision or judgment has been made on the case.

What does Notice Of Placement Of The Case On Inactive Calendar And Of Intent To Dismiss What if your Court Case?

What does this mean in the case of a divorce? NIC - Notice Of Placement Of The Case On Inactive Calendar And Of Intent To Dismiss Your Court Case

What does disposed final mean in a divorce case?

Deposed means testified. To depose is to give sworn testimony. In a divorce case, one or both parties may be deposed by the other's lawyer. This does not necessarily mean the divorce is going to trial. Typically, during a deposition, both lawyers and both parties are present, along with a stenographer. You gave the definition for the wrong word. The word asked was DISPOSED...completely different meaning. Some cases get disposed through an agreed settlement or voluntary dismissal. Others get disposed because they are uncontested, (the defendant did not file an answer to the complaint), or because they get dismissed by plaintiff.I stand corrected. The word asked was disposed.

What does not disposed mean in a criminal case?

Not really enough info to answer -BUT- it sounds like it means that a FINAL DISPOSTION has not yet been entered in the case.

What is case set on progress call?

CASE SET ON PROGRESS CALL in a divorce mean

What does 'disposed cases' mean in reference to the U.S. Supreme Court?

"Disposed cases" generally means cases which have been decided.