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Call the police. They will pick you up and place you in protective custody, but you can request to be emancipated. To become emancipated, you will need a job.

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4mo ago

You can consult with an attorney who specializes in family law to understand the process of emancipation in New Jersey. You may need to prove that you can support yourself financially and are capable of living independently. It's important to gather any necessary documentation to support your case for emancipation.

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Q: What do i do if i am 17 and my adoptive parents left me in New Jersey and went to another state and i want to become emancipated so i can stay with a family friend without being taken away?
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Can you move out at 16 without being emancipated in Ky?

In Kentucky, a minor under 18 cannot move out without parental consent or being legally emancipated by the court. Kentucky law requires that minors have their parents' consent or legal emancipation to live independently.

Is a 17 year old in Michigan allowed to legally live on their own without having to be emancipated?

No, in Michigan a 17 year old cannot legally live on their own without being emancipated. The legal age of majority in Michigan is 18, so individuals under 18 are considered minors and subject to parental or guardian supervision.

What if your parents will not let you get emancipated?

If your parents will not allow you to get emancipated, you may need to demonstrate to a court that it is in your best interest to be emancipated and that you are capable of supporting yourself. You can seek legal advice and guidance on how to proceed with the emancipation process despite your parents' objections.

Can you move at fourteen to another family members house without your parents consent in PA?

In Pennsylvania, a minor cannot legally move out of their parents' home without their consent until they reach the age of 18. If a minor leaves home without permission, the parents can involve law enforcement to bring the child back home. It's important to discuss any concerns with your parents or a trusted adult to find a solution.

Can a minor be emancipated from one parents without being emancipated from the other?

In some states, a minor can be emancipated from one parent without being emancipated from the other, as long as the court deems it in the minor's best interest. This process usually involves demonstrating financial independence or other valid reasons for seeking emancipation from one parent.

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Is it possible to get married at 15 without parents consent?

i have no idea, but i think you can if you get legally emancipated from your parents

Can a teenage mother in Virginia move out without parents consent?

No, you are not emancipated.

Is it possible to become emancipated in another state without your parents?

A minor can only petition for emancipation in the state in which they are a legal resident, so you can't just go to another state and do it.

Can a 17 year old leave home after graduation without parents permission?

If the minor (key fact) in question is not emancipated and his/her parents are his/her legal guardians, then no. If the minor (key fact) in question is not emancipated and his/her parents are his/her legal guardians, then no.

Why is there a need for foster care?

Because many children have parents who can not or will not take care of them properly or at all. There are not enough adoptive parents to adopt all children without parents.

In the state of Louisiana can you place yourself in the custody of another adult without your parents' permision?

You can get emancipated. File at the local courthouse. * Being placed in the custody of another person and being emancipated are two different things. A minor doesn't get to decide who has custody of them. The only way a court will remove custody from your parents is if they have been proven to be unfit in some manner. As far as emancipation, in the state of Louisiana if your parents don

Are you legally emancipated if you get pregnant without your parents consent?

In almost all states and circumstances, a minor who becomes pregnant out of wedlock is not automatically emancipated because of it.

Can a sixteen year old legally move in with another adult without parental permission?

No. At 16 your parents (as long as they have custody and you have not been emancipated in some manner) get to decide where you live.

Can a 17-year-old legally move out of their parents' house without being emancipated in tx?


Can you get married if you are 16 and pregnant without parents consent?

No. You are only emancipated regarding your health when pregnant.

At What age can a child leave home in Massachusetts without consent of parents?

Once you are emancipated or eighteen.

How old does a girl have to be to move out of her house with out her parents?

18 without being emancipated. Each state has different laws for how to be emancipated and how early it can be done and under what circumstances.