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To provide workers with financial security during illness and old age.

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Otto Von Bismarck led the German legislature to pass laws on key issues such as expanding the military, imposing protectionist tariffs, and asserting state control over education and social welfare programs. These laws were part of his strategy to unify Germany and strengthen the power of the state.

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Q: What did Otto von Bismarck lead the legislature of Germany to pass laws on?
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In the 1880 Otto von Bismark led the legislature of Germany to pass laws to what?

In the 1880s, Otto von Bismarck led the German legislature to pass laws that instituted social welfare programs such as workers' compensation, health insurance, and old age pensions. These laws were aimed at addressing the growing social unrest and challenges posed by the rise of the labor movement in Germany.

Why did Bismarck supports laws that gave benefits to workers?

Bismarck supported social welfare laws for workers to co-opt socialist demands and prevent the spread of socialist ideas. He believed that providing benefits to workers would help maintain social stability and undermine the influence of the socialist movement in Germany. Additionally, he saw it as a way to strengthen the loyalty of the working class to the German state.

What is the group that makes the laws called?

The group that makes laws is called the legislature. In the United States, the legislature is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives, collectively known as Congress.

What can a legislature do in making law that a court can not do in making precedents?

A legislature can create new laws, amend existing laws, or repeal laws through the legislative process, whereas a court can only interpret existing laws and create legal precedents based on those interpretations. Legislatures can also adapt laws to changing societal needs or values, while courts are constrained by the laws that are in place.

How do you spell legislation?

That is the correct spelling of "legislation" (laws or bills in the legislature).

Related questions

In the 1880 Otto von Bismark led the legislature of Germany to pass laws to what?

In the 1880s, Otto von Bismarck led the German legislature to pass laws that instituted social welfare programs such as workers' compensation, health insurance, and old age pensions. These laws were aimed at addressing the growing social unrest and challenges posed by the rise of the labor movement in Germany.

Who does State legislature's make laws for?

Every legislature makes laws for the citizens of its state.

What are laws made by legislature?

Laws made by legislature is called legislation, or statutory law.

Why did Otto and his family leave Germany?

The Franks left because Germany was becoming more aggresive with the anti-Jew laws and Mr. Frank thought that the Netherlands would be safer.

What European nation in the late 19th Century led the way in worker benefits?

Between the years of 1883 and 1889, Germany, under Otto Von Bismarck led Europe in providing benefits to their workers. Programs paid by employers included social security, sickness insurance, health benefits & old age insurance laws.

What is the role of the legislature?

The legislature's role is to create laws. It also has the power to amend and revoke laws. Congress is the Legislative branch in the United States.

What is the legislature?

is where they make laws

How are state legislature like the federal legislature branch?

They make the laws.

What did Bismarck do to control the German empire?

The German empire was under the direction of Bismarck. He became known as the Iron Chancellor. Under his rule Germany pursued conservative and nationalistic policies. His impact and how he controlled Germany can be summarized with the following information. Note that this is a summary and not all aspects of Bismarck's rule are listed. Having said that, here are some important elements of Germany under Bismarck: 1. Centralization of power. To promote uniformity within Germany the national government took over the German states' control of railroads, telegraph lines, postal services, banking and currency. National laws replaced the various laws that each state once had; 2. Militarism. The empire established the Prussian system of conscription. Military values were emphasized by government officials. Nationalist writers contributed to this concept. Bismarck sought military alliances; 3. Bismarck supported an industrialized economy. Tariffs were enacted to keep out foreign products. The result at that time was prosperity. Colonialism was used to secure raw materials; and 4. Bismarck worked to eliminate the growth of any groups interested in socialism.

What does the Texas legislature do?

They make, amend, or repeal laws that govern Texas. Some laws cannot be made, changed, or done away with by the Texas Legislature because the U.S Legislature forbids it.Hope this helped.

What laws did Bismarck pass during his Kulturkampf?

civil marriage

How are laws made in Missouri?

The Legislature.