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An act is a bill that has passed through the legislative process and been approved by a legislative body, while a law is a binding rule or regulation established through the enactment of acts or statutes. Acts have the potential to become laws once they have been signed by the executive branch. Both acts and laws serve as legal instruments that govern behavior and establish guidelines for society.

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Q: What are the similarities and differences between an act and a law?
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What are the similarities and differences between law of contract and law of tort?

The similarities between contract law and tort law include both being branches of civil law that deal with obligations and responsibilities between parties. However, the key difference is that contract law is based on voluntary agreements between parties, while tort law involves wrongful acts that result in harm or loss to another party without a previous agreement.

What are the similarities and differences between tort law and law of contract?

Similarities: Both tort law and contract law are branches of civil law that deal with legal obligations between parties. Both involve compensation for harm caused, although the basis for liability differs - tort law seeks to compensate for harm caused by wrongful conduct, while contract law addresses breaches of agreements. Differences: Tort law deals with duties imposed by law to prevent harm to others, while contract law is based on voluntary agreements between parties. Tort law focuses on providing compensation for harm suffered, whereas contract law seeks to enforce promises made in agreements. In tort law, the duty owed is generally imposed by law, while in contract law, the duty arises from the agreement between the parties.

What are the fundamental differences between the two sources of law?

The fundamental difference between statutory law and common law is their source of authority. Statutory law is created and enacted by legislative bodies, such as parliaments or congresses, while common law is developed by judges through their decisions in court cases. Statutory law is often codified in written statutes, while common law is based on precedent and past court decisions.

What is Purpose of comparative law?

The purpose of comparative law is to study and understand different legal systems across countries, regions, or cultures in order to identify similarities, differences, and areas for improvement. By analyzing how laws are applied and structured in various contexts, comparative law helps legal practitioners, scholars, and policymakers make informed decisions and develop more effective legal frameworks.

What law allowed runaway slaves to be returned to their owner?

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 required the return of escaped slaves to their owners, even if they had reached free states. This law heightened tensions between abolitionists and supporters of slavery.

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Very basically, criminal law is when a person is charged with a criminal act and civil law is between indivudual parties.

What are the similarities and differences between law of contract and law of tort?

The similarities between contract law and tort law include both being branches of civil law that deal with obligations and responsibilities between parties. However, the key difference is that contract law is based on voluntary agreements between parties, while tort law involves wrongful acts that result in harm or loss to another party without a previous agreement.

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well i have no clue.

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What is the difference between law and ethics?

differences between law and ethic . A law is something you must obey. Ethics is how society expects you to behave.

What are some similatites and differences between newtons 3 laws?

Similarities: All three laws describe the relationship between an object's motion and the forces acting on it. They apply to all objects, regardless of their size or speed. Differences: The first law (inertia) states that an object at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by a force, while the second law (F=ma) describes how the acceleration of an object is related to the net force acting on it. The third law (action-reaction) states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction force, highlighting the interaction between two objects.

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The Pharisees believed in the letter of the law. Jesus believed in the spirit of the law.

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National Law means the law of a nation. In your case Bangladesh.International Law is the law that governs relations between nations and the different nationalities of the people that inhabit the different nations.Hope I could help.

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