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Boot Camp. they come and haul their a**es away.

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If a 16-year-old refuses to obey rules and is running the streets all night, a parent or legal guardian can consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor to address the underlying issues causing the behavior. They can also involve local authorities if necessary to ensure the safety of the child and others. Setting clear consequences for breaking rules and providing positive reinforcement for following them can also be effective strategies.

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Q: What are the options of a parent or legal guardian when a 16 year old refuses to obey any rules set forth and runs the streets all night?
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Is it legal to consume alcohol underage in your home with your legal guardian or parent in Missouri?

No, it is not legal to consume alcohol underage in Missouri, even in the presence of a legal guardian or parent. The legal drinking age in Missouri is 21, and minors are prohibited from consuming alcohol in both public and private settings.

Can a 14 year-old with a job move in with a older step-sibling and out of the house if his-her parent is not taking responsiblilty in the state of Texas?

In the state of Texas, a minor has limited legal options to move out of their parent's home without their consent. If the parent is not fulfilling their responsibilities, the minor or a concerned adult can report the situation to Child Protective Services or seek help from a legal guardian or family court to explore other options for the minor's care. Moving in with an older step-sibling would require the consent of the legal guardian or the court.

What is the legal age to get a tattoo in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, you must be at least 18 years old to get a tattoo without parental consent. If you are under 18, you will need written consent from a parent or legal guardian.

How old do you have to be to move out if your a girl in Mississippi?

In Mississippi, the age of majority is 21, meaning individuals under that age are considered minors. Minors can legally move out if they are legally emancipated by a court order or with the consent of their parent or legal guardian. Otherwise, they are required to live with a parent or guardian until they reach the age of majority.

Can a minor be emancipated with parent or guardian's permission in Indiana?

No, in Indiana, a minor cannot be emancipated with just the parent or guardian's permission. Emancipation requires a court order, and the minor must demonstrate that they are financially self-sufficient and capable of making their own legal decisions.

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Is a guardian a parent?

No. A legal guardian is not a parent.No. A legal guardian is not a parent.No. A legal guardian is not a parent.No. A legal guardian is not a parent.

Does a grandparent count as a parent or guardian?

Neither. You must be apointed by a court of law to become a guardian. Parent's must be your biological Parent's

If a non custodial parent refuses to sign passport for your child what are the options?

if a non custodial parent reuses to sign a passport the only option is court. A judge can decide if it is in the best interests of the child to leave the country.

What if custodial parent refuses visitations to the other parent?

see link

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What are mams?

a parent/guardian which is a woman!

Can a step parent sign legal documents for a minor?

No. If the document calls for a parent or guardian it must be a parent or guardian. Unless the step parent has adopted the child or otherwise been awarded parental rights by the courts the legal parent must perform all legal functions

Are abortions legal in Missouri?

Answer Yes, abortion is legal in Missouri and consent of a parent, legal guardian, or Judge is necessary for minors who are 17 years or younger to obtain an abortion. A parent or legal guardian must accompany a minor on the day of the procedure. For more information and your options visit:

What is the main reason you have orphans?

Children are only orphans when they have no legal guardian or parent to go to; also if the parent/guardian can't take care of the child.

Is it possibe to contact a parent with no parental rights?

Yes, if your guardian/parent agree to it and the parent wants to be contacted.

Why it is important when treating minor under 16 years of age to have parent or guardian present?

Having a parent or guardian present when treating a minor is very important to their safety. Also, a parent or guardian may be needed to make decisions on their behalf that they are too young to make.

Is it custody kidnapping if parent refuses to return child or let other parent come for child?

If the non-custodial parent refuses to return the child it may be considered kidnapping. The custodial parent should call the police and have a certified copy of the custody order for the officer to review.If the non-custodial parent refuses to return the child it may be considered kidnapping. The custodial parent should call the police and have a certified copy of the custody order for the officer to review.If the non-custodial parent refuses to return the child it may be considered kidnapping. The custodial parent should call the police and have a certified copy of the custody order for the officer to review.If the non-custodial parent refuses to return the child it may be considered kidnapping. The custodial parent should call the police and have a certified copy of the custody order for the officer to review.