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There are no states where police cannot deport a runaway. Police have the authority to return runaways to their guardians in all states.

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Q: What are the 14 states where police cannot deport a runaway?
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17 in certain states, or most to my knowledge. Technically they can bring you back, but they cannot report you as a runaway so the police have no right to bring you home.

Can a legal person be deported for skipping out on probation?

A legal United States citizen cannot be deported--where would they deport you to if you're legal? The U.S. cannot deport you unless you are an illegal alien. For skipping out on probation, you might face fines, jail time, or your probation being extended. That's about it.

What happens if you're out of status and use an expired driver license to drive in NY can police arrest and deport you?

I don't think so... unless the state has gave the right to check for immigrant legal status to the police, if not. they can not do it. all they do is put you in jail, you have to pay your bond and that's it, some states only check your legal status if you do a big crime, like robbery or killing someone. in NC, police can arrest you and put you in jail if you have no driver license, but not deport you.... yetAnswerYES Police can arrest you under Immigration law, and NY traffic laws.

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No, not in the US. Under Federal law you cannot be in possession of a firearm. All states have separate prohibitions for felons being the police.

What amendment states If the police want to earch your home they cannot do it without a warrant?

Fourth Amandment

Can you be a 17 year old runaway in Nevada and be legal in Michigan?

No. You are a runaway in all states since at 17 you are a minor. There is no difference between states.

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What states allow marriage to an illegal alien without deporting them?

The United States deport illegal aliens. You could not reveal that he/she is an illegal alien and use a different identity

Is it illegal to harbor a runaway in Indiana?

A runaway person is considered to be almost against law in Indiana. If you runaway without good reason or becoming emancipated before you turn 18 then you are considered to be a runaway.

Is it a crime to run away in the state of Arizona?

No, it is not a crime to runaway in the state of Arizona. Some states where it is illegal to runaway are Idaho, Kentucky, and South Carolina.

How to deport your partner?

If your partner is in the United States illegally, then they can be deported. To start the process of having someone deported, you must contact immigration.

Which law gave the president the right to imprison or deport citizens of other states?

The alien act of 1798 gave the president the power to deport dangerous aliens.