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Persons who are legally able to give sane and intelligent consent and are legally capable of entering into contracts are generally adults who have reached the age of majority, which is usually 18 years old. They must also be of sound mind, meaning they understand the nature and consequences of their actions. Additionally, they cannot be under the influence of drugs or alcohol when making decisions.

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Q: What are persons who are legally able to give sane and intelligent consent and are legally capable of entering into contracts?
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What is the legal age to be considered an adult in Washington?

The legal age to be considered an adult in Washington is 18 years old. At this age, individuals are granted various rights and responsibilities, such as voting, entering into contracts, and making decisions without parental consent.

What is the legal age in Texas as an adult?

The legal age in Texas to be considered an adult is 18 years old. At this age, individuals gain the rights and responsibilities associated with adulthood, such as voting, serving on a jury, and entering into contracts without parental consent.

Can you move out at the age of 17 in the UK?

In the UK, the legal age to move out without parental consent is 16. However, at 17 someone is still considered a minor and may face difficulties renting accommodation or entering into contracts. It's important to consider practicalities such as financial stability and housing options before moving out at a young age.

Can you enter into a legally binding contract when under the age of majority if you have consent from a parent or guardian?

In some jurisdictions, a minor can enter into a legally binding contract with the consent of a parent or guardian. However, these contracts are usually voidable by the minor upon reaching the age of majority. It is important to check the laws in your specific jurisdiction regarding minors entering into contracts.

Are you considered an adult in California at 18?

In California, you are considered an adult at 18 years old. At this age, you have the legal rights and responsibilities that come with adulthood, such as voting, entering into contracts, and being able to join the military without parental consent.

Related questions

What is the legal age to be considered an adult in Washington?

The legal age to be considered an adult in Washington is 18 years old. At this age, individuals are granted various rights and responsibilities, such as voting, entering into contracts, and making decisions without parental consent.

What is the legal age in Texas as an adult?

The legal age in Texas to be considered an adult is 18 years old. At this age, individuals gain the rights and responsibilities associated with adulthood, such as voting, serving on a jury, and entering into contracts without parental consent.

How old do you have to be to have your own consent?

Assuming the term "consent" refers to a person no longer being under parental control and/or entering into legal contracts, marriage and so forth, in most states the age would be 18. In Alabama and Nebraska it is 19, in Mississippi and Pennsylvania it is 21. Some states have laws that will allow a minor to petition for early emancipation.

Why is it legal for Hollywood to employ child actors who can't consent to working?

California has strict oversight over the film industry in the employment and use of 'child' actors - although minor's are legally incapable of entering into contracts, they are represented by their parent(s) or guardian(s).

Can you move out at the age of 17 in the UK?

In the UK, the legal age to move out without parental consent is 16. However, at 17 someone is still considered a minor and may face difficulties renting accommodation or entering into contracts. It's important to consider practicalities such as financial stability and housing options before moving out at a young age.

Can you enter into a legally binding contract when under the age of majority if you have consent from a parent or guardian?

In some jurisdictions, a minor can enter into a legally binding contract with the consent of a parent or guardian. However, these contracts are usually voidable by the minor upon reaching the age of majority. It is important to check the laws in your specific jurisdiction regarding minors entering into contracts.

Can a 17 year old entering his 2nd year of college in Mississippi move out?

Not without parental consent.

Can a 18 year old girl being entering in surf compatition?

Yes, they do have to sign a consent form though.

How does beveridge answer te charge that governing people without their consent is wrong?

He says that some people are not capable of self-government and pointed out that the United States already does it with Native Americans.

Are you considered an adult in California at 18?

In California, you are considered an adult at 18 years old. At this age, you have the legal rights and responsibilities that come with adulthood, such as voting, entering into contracts, and being able to join the military without parental consent.

Should you do get consent when a person has been injured and is conscious?

If the person is capable of responding, state your purpose and request permission.

Can a 16 year old girl buy her own apartment if she has a child?

You can not move out unless you have your parents consent and you also need someone to sign the contracts for you.