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If you mean, means of opposing slavery in the US: working to make slavery illegal; helping slaves escape to Canada via the Underground Railroad; purchasing slaves and shipping them to Liberia, Africa (a well-intentioned but terribly misguided solution)

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  1. Implementing laws that ban slavery and provide legal protection for those at risk of being enslaved.
  2. Raising awareness through education and advocacy to change societal attitudes towards slavery.
  3. Supporting initiatives that provide economic alternatives and empowerment for vulnerable populations to reduce the likelihood of exploitation.
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Q: What are 3 solutions for opposing slavery?
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Why did the free soilers object to slavery?

Freelanders objected to slavery because they believed it was morally wrong to enslave another human being, that it violated the principles of equality and human rights. They also argued that allowing slavery to expand into new territories would threaten the economic opportunities of free white laborers.

What is a sentence for opposing?

She is opposing the new policy because she believes it will have negative consequences.

Who is responsible for child slavery?

Child slavery is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors. Ultimately, responsibility lies with governments, corporations, and consumers who should work together to address the root causes and create solutions to end child slavery. Efforts to combat child slavery require a coordinated approach involving policy changes, enforcement of laws, and support for at-risk communities.

A free what was closed to slavery?

It is a free STATE that is closed by slavery. You know..... like when there is a free state, there is NO slavery. Therefore, it is like slavery is closed, that is way it is called closed to slavery.

What are the differences between abolition and anti slavery?

Abolition refers to the act of ending or eliminating something, such as slavery. Anti-slavery, on the other hand, is the opposition or resistance to the practice of slavery. In essence, abolition is the action taken to bring about an end to slavery, while anti-slavery is the belief or stance against the institution of slavery.

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Which group addressed the issue of slavery in the election of 1848 by opposing slavery in new territories?

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William l garrison was known for?

Type your answer here... He was an abolitionist (someone opposing slavery) who spoke out against slavery.

Which two presidential candidates in 1860 took directly opposing opposing positions on slavery in the western territories?

Republican Abraham Lincoln and southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge -Novanet

Why di most free soldiers object to slavery?

A principal reason for opposing slavery's expansion was a fear of competition with Southern slaveholders.

What were the reasons of war in the novel killer angels?

Slavery. Opposing cultures. Stupidity. And States rights.

Which group had a majority in the US House of Representatives during the antebellum period?

those opposing slavery

Why were the slaves for opposing slavery?

since they didnt want to be slaves and be used for hard and tough labor

How did the issue of slavery promote sectionalism?

Slavery promoted sectionalism because the south was in favor of slavery and the north was opposed to it. The south didn't want slavery to end. With northerners opposing slavery, disagreements started to rise, which resulted in the south attempting to succeed and the Civil War breaking out.

What is 2.7divided by 3 with solutions?

2.7divided by 3 with solutions = 0.9

What do you call a person who is against slavery?

A person opposed to slavery was called an abolitionist. An abolitionist can refer to someone ho supports an end to anything, but was used specifically to refer to those opposing slavery.

What law said there could be no slavery north of the 36 30' line of north latitude?

The law prohibiting slavery north of parallel 36 30' north was called the Missouri Compromise. This statute was a compromise agreed to by the opposing pro-slavery and anti-slavery reached in 1820 under the presidency of James Monroe.