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Everyone should have a right to go to the bathroom when get really need to. Going to the bathroom is an important thing to do for the body! If you don't go o the toilet when you need to, you mayb get bladder infections or urinary tract problems. Teacher can get sued if they are responsible for these effects.

Everyone has a right to use the bathroom whenever they want to, no matter if they are a student or teacher.

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5mo ago

There is no specific law that prohibits students from using the bathroom. Denying students access to bathroom breaks can be seen as a violation of their basic human needs and may lead to health and wellness concerns. Schools are generally expected to provide reasonable opportunities for students to use restroom facilities.

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Q: Is there a law about not leting a student go to the bathroom?
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Is it illegal for a teacher to tell a student no to using the bathroom?

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You will go to the bathroom when you are ready to. I hope you make it peaceful.

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In the bathroom. On the toilet

Why there shouldn't be a mall beside the school?

Because maybe the student and his friends will have money in their pocket and say to their teacher "We want to go the bathroom" and then the students go outside and the school doors were open for registering new students so the student and his friends go to the mall and shop there, after the shopping, the students may think that they should shop more or sit on the chairs and talk till the the school home time and when their parents each student walk slowly outside and with their new bags and they will put their new things they buy, in it, and each student saw his parents car and get into it and put their bags in the car and each student say to his parents "I missed somethings at school" and the each student get together and go to their class and get their class and the teacher said "why you stayed in the bathroom so long" and they said "we were in the toilet, and of course we are 11 students, so the bathroom had only 1 toilet room so it took so long" then the students got their things and each student go home. When we have a mall beside the school, that may cause to loose some lessons and subjects.

When do squirrels go to the bathroom?

They usually go to the bathroom when they are by themselves, holding still, and not eating.

How does a girl go to the bathroom?

they take their time in the bathroom one goes and the others have to go

How do boys go to the bathroom?

Boys go to the bathroom by standing up and holding their penis.