No, not really. The "negro slave trade" as you put it would imply the slave trade between Africa and other parts of the world, most famously the American continent between the 16th and 20th Centuries but also in Arabian countries like the Sultanate of Zanzibar and Oman.
The "slave trade" in general would relate to any example of chattal slavery where a person is bought or sold (like cattle) by another person anywhere in the world.
Negro is referring to african people. Negro in spanish means black.
The "negro slave trade" historically refers to the transatlantic trade of enslaved Africans to the Americas. "Slave trade" is a broader term that encompasses the trade of enslaved individuals across various regions and time periods. Both terms refer to the inhumane practice of forcibly exploiting individuals for labor.
England abolished the slave trade in 1807 through the passing of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act.
Slave trade in Britain was outlawed in 1808 when Parliament passed the Slave Trade Act of 1807. However, this did not slavery altogether. The Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 abolished slavery in most British Empires.
The slave trade was a brutal and inhumane practice that forcibly transported millions of Africans to the Americas to be sold as laborers.
non slave groups such as the the society for the abolition of the slave trade, and the Quakers. slaves who did revolts and rebellions ex slaves who exposed how terrible life was as a slave MPs the British government because they were no longer benifitting from the slavee trade since it did not save them money and demand for slave trade fell so the slave trade became a pointless waste of time.
The Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade was created in May 1787 by a group of British abolitionists.
Slave and Trade
For the money and the slave labor; the same reason everyone else participated in the slave trade.
A Negro Slave
Same way as any property . There were also slave auctions.
By slave owners.
slave trade
No, she (yes!) was not.
Freeman, Free Negro
Commerce and slave trade compromise
Slave families were split up and sold as part of the domestic slave trade.
Probably Yes, the traders paid taxes Indirectly and Directly. Tax is there for ages though wasn't modernised as one could perceive and see it currently.
The early main trade good with the Cherokee was Deerskins used for production of Leather. This expanded to other fur's and skin's, for the same type of production and included some "Slave" (Indian slave) trading although such trade was not as prominent as African slave trading.