The legal drinking age in Wyoming is 21 years old.
The legal drinking age in the state of Indiana is 21 years old.
In New York State, the legal age to move out without parental consent is 18. Before that age, a minor may need to be emancipated or have parental permission to live on their own.
The legal drinking age in Pennsylvania is 21 years old. It is illegal for anyone under this age to purchase or consume alcohol in the state.
The legal age to go to a bar in Alabama is 21 years old. This is the same age required to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages in the state.
Because in america if you're under 21 you're considered a minor. Here In the UK, the legal age is 18.
In the year of 1965 the legal drinking age in the United States of America was 21 years of age.
18 is the legal age. 21 is the legal age to drink!!!
In Arizona, the legal gambling age is 21. It is not legal to gamble in Arizona if you are under the age of 21.
The legal drinking age in the USA is 21 years old.
The legal drinking age in Hawaii in 1970 was 20.
The legal drinking age in Wyoming is 21 years old.
you may have to be 21 or older to be drinking
Legal limit under age of 21 in California
The legal gambling age in Louisiana is 21.
In the United States of America You have to be 18 to enter a bar. and you have to be 21 to legally drink an Alcoholic Beverage.
The legal drinking age in the state of Indiana is 21 years old.