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Not unless you intend on locking someone in the bedroom for a long period of time with no means of getting out, and keep them there against their will. In which case, that would be illegal. But, if you just want to keep the room locked and not use the room, then no. The only way something is illegal is if it infringes upon other peoples' rights, or puts them in danger.

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4mo ago

It depends on local building codes and fire safety regulations. In some jurisdictions, having a lock on the outside of a bedroom door may be considered a safety hazard in case of emergencies, while in others it may be allowed as long as there is a way to easily unlock it from the inside. It's best to check your local regulations to determine legality.

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Q: Is it illegal to have a lock on the outside of a bedroom door?
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You need to be a little clearer with your question. If the problem is with the outside door handle not opening the door, the handle is broken and will have to be replaced. If the lock cylinder will not lock or unlock from the outside, the linkage has probably come loose. If the lock button will not lock or unlock the door, the linkage has probably come loose. All of these require removing the inner door panel to investigate further (no big deal). BarryC

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I assume you are referring to the lock barrel... Remove the inside trim panel from the door Reach inside the door and find the back of the door lock barrel, you will feel a metal clip on the opposite side of the barrel to the edge of the door (ie. on the windscreen side of the lock). Simply pull the clip towards the windscreen until it comes off (you will have to pull fairly hard), then you can withdraw the lock from the outside of the car. To put it back, slip the lock back through the door from outside, then slide the spring clip back to hold the barrel in place.

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Usually with a key from the outside or thumbolt from the inside.

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