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Marriages between people of different races were banned.

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One example of a law passed in the American colonies in the 1600s was the Navigation Acts, which restricted trade with countries other than England. This law aimed to ensure the colonies were economically beneficial to England by regulating their commerce.

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Slaves were defined as servants for life (apex)

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Q: In the 1600s, the American colonies passed many laws that affected the rights and activities of specific groups of people. Which of the-following was one of these laws?
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What laws were passed in the 1600s that affected the rights and activities of specific groups of people?

In the 1600s, various laws were passed that affected specific groups, such as the Navigation Acts in England that restricted trade to benefit British merchants, the Code Noir in France that regulated the lives of slaves and free people of color in colonies, and the Witchcraft Acts in England that targeted individuals, mostly women, accused of witchcraft with severe penalties.

In what British north American colonies was slavery legally established by the early 1700s?

Slavery was legally established in the British North American colonies of Virginia and Maryland by the early 1700s. These colonies relied heavily on enslaved labor for their agricultural economies, particularly in tobacco cultivation.

In 1775 what was the population of the colonies included about African slaves?

In 1775, the population of the American colonies was around 2.5 million people, and approximately 500,000 were African slaves.

How did slavery develop in the colonies and affect colonial life?

Slavery developed in the colonies due to the demand for labor in industries like agriculture and mining. It deeply affected colonial life by creating a system of exploitation and abuse that perpetuated social hierarchies and racial inequality, shaping the economy, culture, and politics of the colonies.

Indentured servants?

Indentured servants were individuals who signed a contract to work for a set period in exchange for passage to the American colonies, food, and shelter. They were not considered free individuals and had limited rights. Indentured servitude was common in the early American colonies as a way to address labor shortages.

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How did the great awakening effect the American colonies?

Th great awakening affected the colonies in a few ways. The main thing that colonies were affected was Christianity.

What activities in the American colonies began to depend on the slave labor of the africans?

In the American colonies growing cotton depended on slave labor

How did the War affect the American colonies?

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Brasil and Mexico but all the Latin American countries were affected by European exploration.

How were the various occupations and activities of Colonial America related to the nature of the economy?

The geography affected the economy, occupations, and activities of the thirteen American colonies. The New England colonies were on rocky soil but had tons of forest area and was coastal so lumber and maritime occupations were at the forefront of their economy. The Middle Colonies included New York and Pennsylvania. Their economies were marked by lumber and manufacturing mills. The southern coloniesâ?? economy centered around tobacco and the plantation.

What colonies were affected by the glorious revolution?

English colonies

How did the Great Awakening effect the colonies?

Th great awakening affected the colonies in a few ways. The main thing that colonies were affected was Christianity.

What impact did the American Revolution have on Canada?

Canada was affected by it because the Loyalists from the 13 colonies that left the 13 colonies went to places that are now called ontario,quebec, and nova scotia.

How were the colonies affected?

The bears

Slave rebellions in the colonies were a result of?

harsh law controlling african american activities... ps my dick hurt.. but thats the answer by the way.

What activities brought economical stability to to the North American colonies?

Farming cotton, tobacco, etc. Also, trade and later, industry.

What was the role of the Committees of Correspondence which formed in the years before the American Revolution?

To provide unity and leadership for anti-British activities in the American colonies. The committees provided a means of intercolonial communication and cooperation.