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At 18 you are a legal adult, free to move anywhere you wish.

Student status is irrelevant.

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In Virginia, parents have a legal obligation to support their children until the age of 18. However, if a child who is 18 is still in high school, parents may be required to continue providing support until the child graduates or turns 19, whichever comes first. Parents cannot simply tell the child to leave home if they are still in high school.

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Q: In Virginia can a child that's 18 still in high school be told to leave home by their paernts?
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Can an 18-year-old who is still in high school leave home without parental consent in Virginia?

In Virginia, the legal age of majority is 18. This means that an 18-year-old who is still in high school can legally leave home without parental consent.

Can a 18 year old person in Virginia leave their home and live on her own?

Yes, in Virginia, a person who is 18 years old is considered a legal adult and can choose to leave their home and live on their own without parental permission.

Is the school legally responsible for children's safety until they get home?

In most cases, schools are legally responsible for the safety of students while they are on school grounds or participating in school activities. However, once students leave school property and are no longer under the school's supervision, the school's responsibility for their safety may diminish. It is always recommended for parents to establish clear communication with the school regarding their child's safety and transportation arrangements.

What is the legal age a child can leave home in NC?

In North Carolina, a child can legally leave home at age 18, which is the age of majority in the state. Until then, parents or legal guardians are responsible for the child's care and welfare.

What age can you leave a boarding school legally?

The legal age to leave a boarding school can vary depending on the school's policies and state regulations. In general, students can typically leave a boarding school once they reach the age of 18 or upon completion of their academic program, whichever comes first. It is important to review the school's specific rules and regulations regarding departure.

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Can a child in Georgia leave at 16 and quit school?

why?? do YOU want to drop out? STAY IN SCHOOL!! and i think soo

Can a child quit school at the age of 16 with his parents permission in the state of co?

As of 2014, a child under the age of 17 is required to remain in school. The child is not allowed to leave school with or without the permission of parents.

Can an 18-year-old who is still in high school leave home without parental consent in Virginia?

In Virginia, the legal age of majority is 18. This means that an 18-year-old who is still in high school can legally leave home without parental consent.

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Can an ex-husband be forced to leave school and work to provide child support?


Is it legal for a coach to leave a child at school alone after a game before a parent or guardian has arrived to pick the child up?


Can an 18 year old who is failing high school due to truancy and who is noncompliant at home be asked to leave in Virginia?

Yes. They are an adult at 18, even if they're still in school, so you certainly can ask/tell them to leave.

How old shoald a child be before they leave primary school?

A child must meet the age of 11 before they go to Secondary School. Usually, a child leaves primary school at 11, two. However, if they have their birthday during the summer holidays, they can leave at 10 years old, but nearly 11.