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No you will not have to pay a lawyer up front for an asbestos claim. The lawyer is going to get his money from the lawsuit because the business will have to pay you or they will be forced to go out of business or they will have judgement leans against anything they own.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

Many asbestos lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case. They typically take a percentage of the final settlement or court award as their fee. In most cases, you will not have to pay anything up front for legal representation in an asbestos claim.

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Duties of a Trial Lawyer?

A trial lawyer's duties include representing clients in court proceedings, conducting legal research, preparing legal documents, presenting arguments, examining witnesses, and negotiating settlements. They are responsible for advocating for their clients' interests and ensuring a fair trial process.

What is an appeal lawyer?

An appeal lawyer specializes in handling cases where a party is seeking to challenge a decision made by a lower court. They focus on reviewing trial records, identifying legal errors, and presenting persuasive arguments to a higher court to have the decision overturned or modified. Appeal lawyers need strong research, writing, and oral advocacy skills to be successful in this field.

how can we get proof that the city does not own 15ft of our front yard and get them to pay us for our property. ?

You can start by checking your property deed or survey to determine the exact boundaries of your property. If there is a dispute with the city, you may need to hire a licensed surveyor to confirm the boundaries. If it is determined that the city has encroached on your property, you can contact a real estate lawyer to help you negotiate with the city to receive compensation for the encroached portion of your front yard.


A lawyer is a professional who represents clients in legal matters and provides advice on legal issues. They can specialize in various areas of law such as criminal, civil, corporate, or family law. Lawyers must complete a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree, pass the bar exam, and adhere to ethical standards set by their jurisdiction.

In Georgia how old do you have to be to decide which parent to live with and do you have to go in front of a judge if you are less than a month from 17?

In Georgia, minors who are 14 years or older can express their preference for which parent to live with, but the final decision is left to the court. If you are less than a month away from turning 17, it is possible your preference may still be considered by the court depending on the circumstances of the case. It's important to consult with a lawyer for specific legal advice in your situation.

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The cost of a lawyer for an Asbestos-related illness can vary. Often times, they only collect on the settlement and do not take any money up front. The percentage of the settlement is usually what is decided upon up front rather than a payment amount.

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To required tools for a lawyer include knowledge of the law and the ability to research. They must also be able to speak in front of groups.

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No, "attorney" is not capitalized when used in front of a lawyer's name. The correct way to write it is "attorney [name]."

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The term usually used is "on retainer." A retainer is basically a fee paid up front for the services of a lawyer. The details vary, but usually it works something like this: The client arranges with the lawyer to represent him in either a specific legal matter (with details to come later) or just in general (as needed). The client pays the lawyer some amount of money up front. When/if the client actually uses the lawyer's services, the cost is deducted from the amount already paid. When the costs of the services approach the amount of the retainer, the lawyer and the client must reach some other arrangement. Should the client NOT use the services of the lawyer, the retainer fee is (usually) considered refundable. What you're describing sounds like something else, since the payments are made up front in a typical retainer agreement.

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Get a lawyer. You do no provide all the information needed.