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Emancipated minors are considered legally independent. An emancipated minor may move out of state without parental consent and live on their own without adult household members.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

Emancipation usually allows a minor to have control over their own decisions, including where they live. This may vary by state, so it's important to research the laws specific to the state you want to move to. Additionally, it's a good idea to consult with a legal professional to ensure you understand your rights and responsibilities.

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Q: If I am emancipated can I move out of state I'm 16 by the way?
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Can you legally move out at 16 without being emancipated in the state of Colorado?

In Colorado, minors who are at least 16 years old can move out without being emancipated if they have the consent of a parent or legal guardian. Otherwise, they would need to be emancipated by a court to live independently.

What is the legal age to move out in the state of California?

The legal age to move out in California is 18 years old. However, minors who are at least 16 years old and have obtained the court's permission or are legally emancipated can also move out.

What are the requirements for a 16 year old to move out?

The requirements for a 16-year-old to move out vary depending on the state or country. In most places, you need to be legally emancipated, have parental consent, or have a court order to move out at age 16. It's important to research the laws in your specific location and possibly seek legal advice before making any decisions.

Can you move out of your mothers house at 16 with out being emancipated in the state of florida?

In Florida, a minor under 18 is usually considered under the legal control of their parents or guardians. If you want to move out at 16 without being emancipated, you would typically need your parents' or guardians' consent. Without their permission, it could be considered running away, which could have legal implications.

At 16 can you move out with out being emancipated?

In most states, you must be at least 18 to move out without parental permission. However, some states may allow minors to move out at 16 under specific circumstances, such as being legally married or joining the military. It's important to check the laws in your state to determine if you can move out at 16 without being emancipated.

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Do you have to already have graduated to move out?

No... I think it might vary from state to state but in my state You can move outta the house when you are 16 and emancipated legally.

If emancipated can you get married in the state of missouri?

If you are emancipated, and at least 16, yes you can get married. Marriage is another way of getting emancipated.

Can you legally move out at 16 without being emancipated in the state of Colorado?

In Colorado, minors who are at least 16 years old can move out without being emancipated if they have the consent of a parent or legal guardian. Otherwise, they would need to be emancipated by a court to live independently.

If you marry at the age of 16 do you still have to be emancipated to move out of their house?

As far as I'm aware, in every state if you legally marry, then you are automatically considered to be an emancipated minor and therefore you can move out without parental consent.

Can you legally move out when you are 16?

no. you should be 18, but if you are emancipated by 16 you can.

Is a pregnant 16 year oldward of the state able to move out mi?

No, you have to be emancipated for that so you have to wait until you are 18.

How can a 16 year legally move out of their parents home?

Either with parental permission or by getting emancipated by the court if that is available in your state.

You are 16 turning 17 on April 16 and you have a child you want to move in with your boyfriend and get emancipated your mom wrote a note for you to get emancipated Can you be emancipated in Michigan?

You can, but you have to be able to show that you can financially support yourself, handle your social and financial affairs and are not going to be dependant upon state aid.

Can a 16-year-old move out?

If they have been emancipated.

What is legally required to move out at 16?

Get emancipated by the court.

What is the legal age to move out in the state of California?

The legal age to move out in California is 18 years old. However, minors who are at least 16 years old and have obtained the court's permission or are legally emancipated can also move out.

What other way can you get out of foster care at the age of 16 without getting married?

Get emancipated if it is allowed in your state.