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In the pre revolutionary France, the most under priviledges classes of the peasantry and bourgeoisie were the only tax payers while the most priviledged claasses of the clergy and the nobility were except from it

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Prior to the 1789 French Revolution, the legal system in France had several drawbacks. These included a lack of equality before the law, with privileges based on social class and the influence of the clergy. Additionally, there were arbitrary punishments, excessive taxation, and a lack of fair representation for the common people in the legal system.

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Q: How were the drawbacks in french legal system prior to the revolution of 1789?
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What system of laws shaped the criminal laws adopted by Louisiana?

The criminal laws adopted by Louisiana are influenced by a unique blend of French civil law, Spanish civil law, and English common law. This is due to Louisiana's historical background as a former French and Spanish colony before becoming part of the United States. Many aspects of Louisiana's legal system, including its criminal laws, reflect this historical convergence of legal traditions.

A judges view of law if of little importance in a common legal system?

A judge's interpretation of the law is crucial in a common legal system as they are responsible for applying and clarifying legal principles in specific cases. Their decisions contribute to the development of legal precedent and the evolution of the legal system. Additionally, judges play a key role in ensuring consistency and fairness in the application of the law.

Laws in Jordan rules?

In Jordan, laws are based on Islamic principles, civil law, and customary law. The legal system is influenced by both French civil law and Islamic law. The Constitution is the highest legal authority in the country, and the judiciary plays a key role in interpreting and applying the laws.

Is the caste system legal in India?

The caste system is not legally sanctioned in India, as discrimination based on caste is prohibited under the Indian Constitution. However, the caste system continues to have a strong influence on Indian society despite legal prohibitions.

What is the legal system?

The legal system is a framework of rules and regulations established by a government to maintain order and enforce laws in society. It includes components such as legislation, courts, and law enforcement agencies that work together to uphold justice and resolve disputes.

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How do you say Legal system in french?

Système judiciaire

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How the principles of the French Revolution spread throughout Europe?

This was done by legal equality, religious toleration, and economic freedom.

What was the french legal system and what was English legal system?

The answer to the " three of the following terms are associated with the development of the english legal system, " "A common law, B petit jury, C grand jury, D exchequer"" The answer is D Exchequer

Were people slaves during the French revolution?

Yes, it was considered to be inconsistnt with the Theory of Enlightenment and the principals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Napoleon was going to reverse the process in Haiti, but that move failed when the slaves revolted.

When the president accepts the legal existence of another country it is known as the power of .?

It is called the power of recognition, recognizing the new government as the legal government of the country in question. Washington was the first to used this power when he recognized the French Republic after the French Revolution.

How did Napoleon stop the French Revolution?

The French Revolution ended with the creation of the French Consulate by coup in 1799 in which Napoleon became the First Consul of France. The legal government of the Directory ceased to exist.

What is the difference between the Louisiana constitution and the US Constitution?

the difference is the Louisiana constitution was based off of the french legal system and the U.S constitution was based off of the English legal system

How do you say undersheriffs in french?

The legal system is very different in France , so there aren't direct equivalents for this kind of title.

How was the American Revolution a cause of the French Revolution?

There are two ways in which the American Revolution helped cause the French Revolution:The French paid an exorbitant amount of money to help sustain the Colonial Rebel Army and for French armies and navies to fight against the British. As a result, French coffers were notoriously bankrupt.The ideas of the American Revolution, such as the equality of all people and personal freedoms were very attractive to the French bourgeoisie who were limited by authoritarian laws and legal inequalities with the French nobility and clergy. The success of the American Revolution served to inspire the French to rise up and clamor for equality.

Man scholars have sated that the french revolution was more radical than the American you agree with this statement?

I agree with the statement that the French Revolution was more radical than the American Revolution. The French Revolution was an attempt to overthrow the old order. The American Revolution began as an attempt to turn the clock back to before 1763. The Americans wanted to restore the laws, rules, and procedures of King George II. The Americans retained the British court system and common law. The jobs were retained. Different people filled them. In France, Napoleon created a brand new legal system, which had begun before he came to power. The French created the metric system. They tried to replace the worship of God with the worship of reason. In the long run, America's revolution would turn into the real revolution. Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press would become lights to the world as would the right to Habeas Corpus, the right to confront ones accusers, and the need for a search warrant. Also important would be the prohibitions against internal tariffs and fees on exports. Those would not be immediate but would only be important in retrospect when other nations would examine their way of doing things and asking, "Why aren't we as profitable?"

What does the word legal mean?

Legal can mean a variety of things depending on context, a "legal obligation" means you are legally obligated to perform a certain action. "Legally" can be used to describe the legal implications of something. "The legal system", describes a system in which laws are described. Lawful