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Alot. Please if you are thinking about running away, don't. It's just a way of avoiding your problems. Talk to a counsler or another trusted adult about those problems. Remember God loves you.

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The consequences for running away at age 17 can vary depending on the circumstances and the laws in your area. In some places, a minor who runs away may be taken into custody and returned to their guardian or placed in a juvenile shelter. It's important to seek help from a trusted adult or counselor if you are considering running away.

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Q: How much trouble can you get into for running away at age 17?
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If you run away at eighteen can you get in trouble?

Legally, at age 18 in most places, you are considered an adult. Running away may not result in legal trouble, but it could impact your ability to access support services or resources. It's important to consider your safety and well-being if you are thinking about leaving home.

Will you get in legal trouble if you runaway at age 17?

In most places, running away as a 17-year-old is typically considered a status offense rather than a crime. However, laws vary by location, so it's important to know the laws in your specific area. It's advisable to seek help from a trusted adult or counselor if you're considering running away.

Where to go when running away at the age twelve?

If you are considering running away at twelve, it's important to talk to a trusted adult about how you are feeling. They can help support you and potentially find solutions to the issues causing you distress. Running away can be dangerous, so seeking help and support is crucial. You can reach out to a school counselor, teacher, or a helpline for assistance.

What happens if you run away at the age of 17?

If you run away at the age of 17, it is considered a status offense and you could be taken into custody by the police if caught. It's important to seek help from a trusted adult or authority figure to address any underlying issues that led to running away.

Is it legal for a 16 year old to runaway from home in Texas?

It is not legal for a 16 year old to run away from home in Texas. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for their minor children until they reach the age of majority. Running away can lead to legal consequences and involve law enforcement to ensure the child's safety and well-being.

Related questions

How much trouble can you get into for running away at age 16?

if its you first charge for running away they'll just give you a slap on your wrist. but if you run away three times they'll send you to juvie. because the court will think that your parents cant control you and they'll have other people controlling you. Dont run away just wait til your seventeen and move out. becca

What are the consequences you can face at the age of seveteen for running away from home or the consequences your boyfriend of nineteen can face for hiding you?

You will get in trouble if they know where you are but if your bf won't hide you you shouldn't be together

Can you get arrested for running away at age 17 in Missouri?

No, a person can not get arrested for running away at the age of 17 in the state of Missouri. If the juvenile commits a crime when they run away, they can be arrested for the crime.

At the age of 14 can move away from your parents without getting in trouble?


If a 16 year old child runs away with a 18 year old adult how much trouble can they get into?

i dont think theyd get in any trouble cuz 16 is the legal age to move where u want to

If you run away at eighteen can you get in trouble?

Legally, at age 18 in most places, you are considered an adult. Running away may not result in legal trouble, but it could impact your ability to access support services or resources. It's important to consider your safety and well-being if you are thinking about leaving home.

Are there laws on running away in Maine?

There are laws in the state of Maine for running away. It is illegal for to run away from home before you are 18 years of age or without your parent's consent.

What happens if you run away from home at the age of twenty one?

That is moving out not running away. At 21 you are an adult.

Will you get in legal trouble if you run away at age 16 in Nevada?

Yes, you are not an adult until you are 18.

Will you get in legal trouble if you runaway at age 17?

In most places, running away as a 17-year-old is typically considered a status offense rather than a crime. However, laws vary by location, so it's important to know the laws in your specific area. It's advisable to seek help from a trusted adult or counselor if you're considering running away.

What age can you move out of your parents house and it not be considered running away in Greenville South Carolina?


How much trouble can you get in for prank calling people at the age of 13?

I did that when i was 13 and i got arrested...........