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Highwaymen stole varying amounts of money from their victims, depending on the circumstances. They targeted travelers on roads and pathways, robbing them of their valuables such as money, jewelry, and other belongings. The stolen amounts could range from a few coins to significant sums, depending on the wealth of the victim.

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Q: How much money did highwaymen steel?
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How much money did the highwaymen give to the poor?

Highwaymen were robbers and brigands, they kept all the money they stole.

Why do highwaymen want to be highwaymen?

highwaymen want to be highwaymen because they want to steel stuff like money or ancient artifacts from the rich but they will spend it all on them selves not their family or best friends all on them selves they don't give it to the poor either!

Why did the highwaymen do what they did?

to get money and be notorious

What did highwaymen want?

Generally money or goods

What did highwaymen take from their victims?

they took there money and jewelery

Who did the highwaymen prey on?

rich people with loads of money and riches

How much money did Steel gross worldwide?

Steel grossed $1,686,429 worldwide.

How much money did Steel gross domestically?

Steel grossed $1,686,429 in the domestic market.

What do highwaymen say when they have robde someone?

Highwaymen might say "Your money or your life!" or "Hand over your valuables!" to intimidate their victims into giving them money or belongings. They use threats and force to steal from others on the road.

The highwayman-why was he called the highwayman?

Because he was a man who rode along a highway. And they (there are many highwaymen) also nicked and robbed of people.

What did highwaymen do with the money they stole?

Highwaymen typically spent the money they stole on personal luxuries such as clothing, gambling, alcohol, and prostitutes. Some might use the funds to finance their lavish lifestyles or to support their families. However, many highwaymen did not accumulate significant wealth as they lived a risky and often short-lived lifestyle.

How did the highwaymen get what they wanted?

Highwaymen would typically ambush travelers on roads or highways, threatening them with violence or weapons to demand money or valuables. They used fear and intimidation to coerce victims into handing over their belongings.