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Depends on the state you live in and if this is your first offense. If it is your first offense you will more than likely serve no jail time but will pay a hefty fine.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

The jail time for a DUI charge with an underage passenger can vary depending on the circumstances, but it can be up to 6 months for a first offense and longer for subsequent offenses. Additionally, there may be additional penalties such as fines, license suspension, and mandatory alcohol education programs.

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Q: How many months in jail can you get if you are charged with a DUI and have an under aged friend as a passenger in your car?
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If you are charged with DUI and have an underage friend as a passenger in your car you could face up to 9 months in jail true or false?

True. Being charged with a DUI while having an underage friend as a passenger in your car could result in harsher penalties, including potential jail time of up to 9 months. This is because driving under the influence with a minor present is seen as endangering the welfare of a child.

If you are charged with DUI andhave an underage friend as a passenger in your car you could face up to nine months in jail?

Driving under the influence with an underage passenger can lead to more severe penalties, including possible jail time up to nine months, in addition to fines and license suspension. It is essential to avoid driving under the influence to ensure the safety of yourself, your passengers, and others on the road.

Who is charged when drugs are found in a vehicle?

i believe if no one else is in the car at the time except you, then you will be charged, but if there are multiple people in the car and you own the car and someone has the drugs and stash them someone, in most cases whereever it is found by that's who is charged, say the passenger stashes the drugs under their seat, the passenger would be charged but if you knew he had the drugs and the officer finds it, then both parties would be charged, with , withholding drugs whether it was yours or not, but it depends on the officer, whether they're more understanding, and find more evidence to lead to a direct source, i believe The driver of a vehicle is responsible for all things in the vehicle and all things the vehicle does. The owner is also responsible.

If the passenger is under 18 and not properly restrained they will receive the citation and pay the fine in the court cost?

If a passenger under 18 is not properly restrained, both the driver and the passenger may receive a citation. The passenger's legal guardian may also be held responsible for ensuring the proper restraint of minors. Fine amounts and court costs vary by jurisdiction.

Is there a law in Texas that states a teenage driver can not have another teenager in the car?

Texas has a law known as the "passenger restriction law," which prohibits individuals under the age of 18 from having more than one passenger under the age of 21 who is not a family member in the car during the first 12 months of being a licensed driver. This law is designed to reduce distractions and promote safe driving practices among teenage drivers.

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If you are charged with DUI and have an underage friend as a passenger in your car you could face up to 9 months in jail true or false?

True. Being charged with a DUI while having an underage friend as a passenger in your car could result in harsher penalties, including potential jail time of up to 9 months. This is because driving under the influence with a minor present is seen as endangering the welfare of a child.

If you are charged with DUI andhave an underage friend as a passenger in your car you could face up to nine months in jail?

Driving under the influence with an underage passenger can lead to more severe penalties, including possible jail time up to nine months, in addition to fines and license suspension. It is essential to avoid driving under the influence to ensure the safety of yourself, your passengers, and others on the road.

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Yes, absolutely. If the gun is anywhere in the car that is known as "concurrent possession." As a matter of fact if the felon is sitting on top of the gun, he is in PRIMARY possession.

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I believe the general length is around 6 months if it is under an ounce

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