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Many medieval cities had "civic guard"-units to protect the city from outside attacks. Since membership was something you did as volunteer work in combination with a daytime job - and because you usually had to provide or pay for weapons and uniform yourself - membership was restricted to the better-off citizens, This meant that in many cases not more than 5% of a city's inhabitants were guard members. They did not see themselves as 'law enforcers' but as a defense force.

Medieval cities also had a limited number of law enforcers, but only in the sense that they were officers of the judiciary. They dealt with crimes, nothing else. Luckily, inner-city crime was nothing compared to what it is today. Guild members themselves monitored transgressions of guild rules for trade, pricing, personnel issues and quality standards. A professional law enforcement force with members patrolling the streets is something that only started in the 19th century.

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In a medieval city, the number of law enforcers could vary significantly depending on the size and wealth of the city. Generally, a city could have anywhere from a dozen to a few hundred guards. As for the percentage of the population that were part of the garrison or guard, it could range from 1-5% in larger cities to higher percentages in smaller towns where most able-bodied men might be expected to serve in some capacity.

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What is a medieval tavern?

A medieval tavern was a social gathering place during the Middle Ages where people could buy and consume alcoholic drinks, eat, socialize, and sometimes find lodging. It was a central hub for communication, entertainment, and business transactions in medieval towns and villages. Taverns often had a distinct atmosphere with wooden furniture, dim lighting, and a lively ambiance.

Compared to our contemporary society medieval ideas about justice were . more flexible more harsh less violent less cautious?

Compared to contemporary society, medieval ideas about justice were typically more harsh, with punishments often being severe and intended to serve as a deterrent to crime. The justice system in medieval times was also less focused on individual rights and more on maintaining social order. Additionally, justice was often influenced by religious beliefs and superstitions.

Did the knights have to pay taxes in medieval times?

Knights were typically exempt from certain taxes in medieval times, like the common land and poll taxes, due to their noble status and military service. However, they often had other financial obligations to their lords, such as providing military service or making monetary payments for land use.

Can you give me a sentence using the word theft?

The police arrested him for committing theft at the local store.

A sentence with the word inquisition?

The inquisition was a series of investigations and interrogations conducted by the church to root out heresy in medieval Europe.

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