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Please don't talk to me in class or we will get a reprimand from the teacher.

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The manager decided to reprimand the employee for consistently arriving late to work.

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Q: How is reprimand used in a sentence?
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Reprimand in a sentence?

how am i supposed to know!

How do you use a sentence with reprimand?

The teacher gave a stern reprimand to the students for talking during the test.

Give you a sentence to reprimand?

If you don't stop bothering your sister, I will have to reprimand you. (verb)If you don't stop bothering your sister, you will receive a reprimand. (noun)

How do you make a sentence with the word reprimand?

I can give you several sentences.Don't reprimand Jimmy; he's late because my car broke down.If you keep ignoring your work, you will get an official reprimand.Mom will reprimand you, and then Dad will send you to your room.Only someone who is petty will reprimand others for simple misconceptions.

A sentence using the word reprimand?

I reprimanded Timmy our cat for not using the litter box

The point of a reprimand is to- animal?

The point of reprimand is when an animal is scolded for a negative behavior. This is a common technique used in training animals.

Which word is colloquial -scold or reprimand?

"Scold" is more colloquial than "reprimand." "Scold" is commonly used in everyday conversation to criticize or reprove someone informally, while "reprimand" is more formal and typically used in professional or official settings.

The point of a reprimand is to an animal A punish B frighten C startle D irritate?

The point of a reprimand is to A. punish an animal for undesirable behavior. A reprimand is used to correct the animal's actions and discourage them from repeating the behavior in the future.

Does reprimand have a long or short I?

Reprimand has a short I sound.

Which of these words is colloquial scold or ripremand?

"Scold" is more commonly used in both formal and informal settings to indicate a verbal reprimand. "Ripremand" is not a common or standard term in English and is not used for scolding or reprimanding someone.

Is this sentence correct You just got yelled at by your friends?

Yes, the sentence is correct grammatically. It conveys the idea that the person being spoken to received a scolding or reprimand from their friends.

Reproach in a sentence?

I want a sentence with reproach , please , thank you !