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In most states you have to file the same type of eviction proceedings as you would if someone was renting from you.

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You would need to follow the legal eviction process outlined by your local laws. This usually involves providing written notice to the relative, giving them a certain amount of time to vacate, and if they do not leave, filing a formal eviction lawsuit in court. It is recommended to consult with a legal professional to ensure you follow the correct procedure.

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Q: How do you legally get a relative to move out of your home?
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Can you legally move out of parents home at the age of 17 in Utah?

In Utah, you can legally move out of your parents' home at age 17 with their consent. If your parents do not give consent, you would need to seek emancipation from the court, which can grant you legal independence before turning 18.

Can a 15 year old in Texas move out of their parents home if they move in with another relative?

In Texas, a 15 year old cannot legally move out of their parents' home without their consent. If they were to move in with another relative without parental permission, the relative could potentially face legal consequences such as charges related to harboring a runaway. It is best to seek guidance from legal authorities or social services for the most appropriate course of action.

What age can you legally move out in Tennessee?

In Tennessee, the legal age to move out of your parents' home without their consent is 18. This is when you are considered an adult in the eyes of the law.

What age can you legally move out your parents in Ohio?

In Ohio, the legal age to move out of your parents' home without their permission is 18. Under special circumstances, such as obtaining emancipation or being legally married, you may be able to move out earlier.

Can a relative tell a 17-year-old in Pennsylvania to leave home and stay with friends till they can get them to Florida?

No, a relative cannot tell a 17-year-old to leave home without proper authorization. In Pennsylvania, a minor cannot legally leave home without parental consent until they are 18. If the minor leaves without permission, the relative could be held legally responsible. It is recommended to follow legal procedures or seek proper advice before taking any action.

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When a person turn 13 years old can you legally move out to live with another relative close to you?

absolutely you are.

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Can you move out legally if you are 16 years old?

If your parents consent, you can move out. Otherwise you must be emancipated or reach the age of majority to legally leave home.

Can you legally move out of parents home at the age of 17 in Utah?

In Utah, you can legally move out of your parents' home at age 17 with their consent. If your parents do not give consent, you would need to seek emancipation from the court, which can grant you legal independence before turning 18.

If I'm 17 can you move out from home I have a place to stay for free?

No, legally you cannot move out at 17

Can a 15 year old in Texas move out of their parents home if they move in with another relative?

In Texas, a 15 year old cannot legally move out of their parents' home without their consent. If they were to move in with another relative without parental permission, the relative could potentially face legal consequences such as charges related to harboring a runaway. It is best to seek guidance from legal authorities or social services for the most appropriate course of action.

When can a female legally move out of parents home?

18 years old

In Canada can an eighteen year old legally move out of their parents home?

Yes. Simple and straightforward. You are an adult at the age of 18 and therefore are legally allowed to move out.

What age can you legally move out in Tennessee?

In Tennessee, the legal age to move out of your parents' home without their consent is 18. This is when you are considered an adult in the eyes of the law.

Can a 17-year-old girl living in Michigan move out of her house and in with a friend's family if her own family is not letting her come home and is making her stay at a relative's house far away?

yes. but legally depending on the situation, maybe not.

Can a 17 year old mother and her child legally move away from her parents' home in Illinois?

A 17 year old mother is considered emancipated and thereby can legally make the decision to move away from her parents home with her child.

Can a 16 year legally move out of home in Georgia to live with a person other than a relative even with no history of family problems?

No, they cannot move out without having their parent's permission. The key here is the age of majority (adulthood) in Georgia. Once they are an adult, the parents are no longer responsible.