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Blacks who did not have jobs were made to serve time as forced laborers. --APEX

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The black codes provided a steady source of labor for whites who owned farms, because African Americans who did not have jobs were made to serve time as forced laborers.

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4mo ago

The Black Codes restricted the economic opportunities of newly freed African Americans by placing them in positions of dependency on white landowners. This system allowed white farm owners to secure a cheap and reliable labor force through sharecropping and other forms of labor contracts that were exploitative and gave little agency to African Americans.

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How did the codes provide a steady source of labor for whites who owned farms?

The Black Codes, enacted in the post-Civil War South, restricted the freedom of African Americans and forced them to work on white-owned farms through vagrancy laws. By imposing harsh penalties for unemployment and limiting their job prospects, the codes essentially ensured a steady labor force for white farm owners while perpetuating racial inequality.

What is Legal separation of blacks and whites called?

Legal separation of blacks and whites was commonly referred to as segregation in the United States, particularly during the Jim Crow era. This practice was enforced through laws known as Jim Crow laws which mandated racial segregation in public facilities and institutions.

Who provided much of the labor on the plantations?

Enslaved African people provided much of the labor on plantations in the Americas, working under brutal conditions to produce crops like sugar, cotton, and tobacco for European markets.

Who is wille lynch?

William Lynch is commonly associated with an infamous speech from the 1700s that allegedly provided a method to control slaves through division and manipulation. Historians have not found concrete evidence of his existence, leading many to question the authenticity of the speech attributed to him. The term "lynching" is derived from his name, but the scope of his specific influence remains debated among scholars.

Why was it easy to make a free black slaves under this law?

The law provided guidelines and processes for freeing slaves, whether they were black or of another race. Some individuals may have found it easier to free black slaves due to societal attitudes or personal motivations towards racial equality. However, the legal process itself did not differentiate based on race.

Related questions

How did tho black codes provide a steady source of labor for whites who owned farms?

if you want to now it was when the whites would go up to the freed blacks and say" up up down dow left right left right A B enter" and they would suddenly be whipped 20 times.

Why did whites decide on the blacks for slaves?

because the black not as good as the whites, so the whites catch then black and send them to work for the whites

Why did the poor whites people in the south support slavery?

Poor whites in the South supported slavery because it provided them with a sense of social and racial superiority over enslaved individuals. They also believed that the labor provided by enslaved people helped maintain their own social and economic status within society. Additionally, some were drawn to the idea of owning slaves as a potential source of wealth and status symbols.

Who commits more crime against whites whites or black?

black because 25% live in poverty hispanic and white are almost the same, little more for hispanic than whites

What were laws that segregated black and whites?

The Jim Crow Law segregated the blacks & whites

How did the codes provide a steady source of labor for whites who owned farms?

The Black Codes, enacted in the post-Civil War South, restricted the freedom of African Americans and forced them to work on white-owned farms through vagrancy laws. By imposing harsh penalties for unemployment and limiting their job prospects, the codes essentially ensured a steady labor force for white farm owners while perpetuating racial inequality.

What year did blacks n whites come together?

Was it The year 1969 That Black & Whites Come together.

How did the Black Power movement impact the fight for civil rights?

It frightened some whites.

What was the rights for black whites coloreds and Indians in Africa?


Why did the KKK kill non whites?

Cuz they black.

Are there more black in the us then whites?

in Georgia and Louisianan

What is the south African partide?

segregregation of black and whites