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Not, if they give not given you permission to. You are going to have to wait until you reach the age of 18.

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In Louisiana, a minor can request to be emancipated by petitioning the court. The minor must demonstrate to the court that they can financially support themselves, make their own medical decisions, and that it is in their best interest to be emancipated. It is recommended to seek legal advice and guidance through this process.

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Q: How can you leave home at 17 in Louisiana if your parents will not let you?
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Can a 23 year old man be forced to move out of his parents home?

Legally, parents can ask their adult child to leave their home at any time, even if they are 23 years old. However, if the adult child refuses to leave, the parents may need to follow specific legal eviction procedures to remove them from the property. Ultimately, it depends on the specific circumstances and the relationship between the family members.

Can you leave home at 17 without parental consent in Georgia?

A parent is responsible (as in a lawsuit) for the child's actions unless he/she becomes emancipated, joins the military, or gets married (requiring parental consent in Georgia if under 18). Yes, the age of majority is 18; however, a child can leave at 17. A parent cannnot force them to stay. But they cannot be kicked out until age 18. Call the police and ask. The police do have jurisdiction in this matter, because the child can be charged as a runaway and sent to juvenile detention if just 16 (or less). In Georgia, if the child is 17, the police will not do anything, and the child may leave without consent. But ther parents cannot kick the child out until age 18. Absolutely, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If a police officer says no, ask to speak to his/her immediate supervisor. In Georgia, a person can now go to jail at age seventeen. That created a unique twist in the law. Parents are responsible for a child until age 18, so they will still be responsible for the child's actions; however, they cannnot force the child to stay should the child wish to leave. Parents also cannot kick the child out until age 18.

How can you move out being 16 or 17 without getting into trouble?

In most places, you need to be 18 to legally move out on your own. If you're facing a difficult situation at home, consider reaching out to a trusted adult, counselor, or support organization for guidance and assistance. It's important to prioritize your safety and well-being when making decisions about leaving home.

Which type of conjunction is shown in the sentence "Jayme's parents wouldn't let her get her license until she proved she could be responsible"?

The type of conjunction shown in the sentence "Jayme's parents wouldn't let her get her license until she proved she could be responsible" is a conditional conjunction.

Which type of conjunction is shown in the sentence Jaymes parents wouldn't let her get her license until she proved she could be responsible?

Subordinating conjunction.

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Can you leave home at 17 in missouri if your parents won't let you?

No, you are not emancipated until you are 18yo.

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your parents can kick you out at age 18, but you are able in Georgia to leave your home at age 17, with out getting charged of anything or be considered a runaway. Its because of the loop hole in Georgia laws and Georgia only

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If you are 17 and it is 5 months until you turn 18 and you want to move out but your parents won't let you can you leave?

If you are 17 years old and will not be 18 for 5 months, you cannot move out if you want to. Especially if your parents won't let you, you cannot just leave. That would make you a runaway. You may be able to become emancipated, however, the court would have to decide on that, and you would need a very good reason for wanting to leave home.

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Once an individual reaches the age of 18, parents no longer have a legal obligation to that child. There would be no legal implications if the child's parents were to no longer let him/ her live in their home.

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No only a court of law can issue child emancipation status.

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You need to get a a judge to let you leave by court order.

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