I have several sentences for you.In America, we have freedom from unjust persecution.You should not have to suffer persecution for your beliefs or customs.Persecution is a bad thing.
"Persecution" is a noun. It refers to the act of harassing or oppressing someone because of their beliefs or identity.
The Nuremberg Laws were a set of discriminatory laws implemented by the Nazi regime in Germany in 1935, which aimed to exclude Jews from society and limit their rights, leading to widespread persecution and eventual genocide during the Holocaust.
A split order sentence is a type of sentence where the subject is separated from the verb by other words or phrases. This can make the sentence more complex and can sometimes lead to confusion if not constructed carefully.
The persecution of natives is a recurring theme in human history.
The minority often feels the persecution of the majority, especially under Democracy.
Throughout history, many have endured persecution for their beliefs.
It is a privilege to live in a country where citizens are not persecuted for their beliefs.
L. Lopez Masi Mott
It is very nice to live in a country where people do not suffer persecution from others for doing something to your beliefs.
I think you mean 'persecution.' The persecution I endured at school got worse as I got older.
Hitler's persecution of the Jews led to the murder of millions of innocent people.
I make a fool.
A good sentence would be: Political and Religious Persecution was a push factor between 1866 and 1915.
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I have several sentences for you.In America, we have freedom from unjust persecution.You should not have to suffer persecution for your beliefs or customs.Persecution is a bad thing.