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The Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) aims to balance accountability and rehabilitation for young offenders. While implementing the YCJA can involve initial costs for services and programming tailored to youth, studies have shown that diverting young offenders from the adult justice system can save money in the long run by reducing future criminal activity and associated costs.

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Related questions

What are the disadvantages of the ycja?

One of the disadvantages of the YCJA (Youth Criminal Justice Act) is that it protects the rights of the young offender instead of the rights of protection for the society.

What does YCJA stand for?

YOuth Criminal Justice Act

What does the YCJA stand for?

YOuth Criminal Justice Act

Why wouldn't they give enough punishments ycja?

because the court law has the rights

What acts came before the ycja?

Prior to the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA), the Young Offenders Act (YOA) was in place in Canada. The YOA was in force from 1984 to 2003, and emphasized the rehabilitation and reintegration of young offenders back into society.

What do you think of the ycja?

i think it is good but it could be a little more harder on youths like im a teen and thats my perspective

If you are caught by the police when you have a doctors appointment skipping school does it go on your permenent record even if you have a doctors note?

If you are under the age of 14 it will not go on your permanent record and the YCJA will protect your rights as a youth offender. You can't even have a permanent record if you are under the age of 14 unless the crime is severe. The YCJA will make sure that your privacy on this matter will be kept private.

Do canadains think the ycja is to harsh?

some do and other don't. theres 2 sides. some would say yes because sentences are not as harsh as they should be for offenders that broke the law more than once. and still their names are not published because they are minors. what if there is a 16 year old murderer in your community wouldn't you want to know their name? the YCJA law predicts the media from releasing the minor's name. only if the media gets an adult's consent they can, which wont happen too often some say it good because it reintegrates the young person in the community by not publishing the name, or the youth gets a second chance and doesnt get sent to court if the offence is not serious. also the YCJA addresses the root causes, which means they look into the young person's home to see what might cause him to do something like that

Is the YCJA fair and equitable?

The YCJ isn't fair and equitable because youths of all ages up to age 18 are treated the same. Thier names are protected by the law, but they may be a threat to the community. They need to be treated more harshly.

What is your opinion on youth justice system in Canada?

The youth Criminal Justice Should not be harder on youth. They are just learning and are growing up. Of course they are going to have a couple of slips, But that's part of growing up and I don't think that they should be Punished past the point of Acceptable.

Can a child aged 10 be arrested for assault to another child?

im in highschool at the moment but ive learnt alot about this stuff. i also live in canada so the charges maybe different but in canada we have the YCJA system (youth criminal justice system) which involves 12-14 and then 14+. so some one of age 10 probably wouldnt have huge charges. or no charges at all. maybe not even court. and for such a small crime it wouldnt be that bad. the boy may feel guilty afterwards but. Community service is a big part in the YCJA and under for smaller crimes. but as of 12-13 they CANNOT (its illegal) be charged with adult charges. thats all i know. if im wrong blame my teacher. but i hope this helped alittle.

What is the differences between the Elizabeth Fry Society and the John Howard Society?

SimilaritiesJohn Howard & Elizabeth Fry Society-Educates the public on laws & the justice system (Including the YCJA)-Works with youth & adults in trouble with the law & help them reintegrate into their communities-Stand up for the rights of youth & adults accused of crimes-Called for measures to improve the fairness of the justice systemDifferencesJohn Howard Society-Caters to men, women, girls & boysElizabeth Fry Society-Caters to women & girls.