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They used many things like whips and many others in which they did you canes.

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4mo ago

Yes, slave owners and overseers often used canes as a form of punishment and control over slaves during the time of slavery in the United States. Canes were typically used to inflict physical pain and assert dominance over slaves.

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Q: Did they use canes to hit slaves?
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What would the slave owners hit the slaves with?

Slave owners would often hit slaves with whips, sticks, or other objects to inflict punishment or enforce control. The severity of the beating could vary depending on the offense committed by the slave and the temperament of the owner.

What kind of currency did slaves use?

usually slaves didnt posses money. but depending on where they are from, or put into slavery they use local currency if any. like Persian slaves would have to use greek currency if enslaved and given to a greek.

Why would landower rather use slaves than indentured servents?

Landowners preferred using slaves over indentured servants because slaves were seen as a lifelong and inheritable source of labor, while indentured servants could only work for a limited period of time. Slaves were also considered to be a more profitable and reliable workforce as they were seen as a long-term investment. Additionally, the racial hierarchy of the time often justified the use of slaves over indentured servants.

What rights did slave owners have over there slaves?

Slave owners had complete control and ownership over their slaves, including the right to buy, sell, and lease them as property. They determined where slaves lived, what work they did, and could use physical punishment to discipline them. Slaves had no legal rights and were considered mere chattel under the law.

What did they do with the slaves from the slave ships when they lsnded and how did they sell the slaves?

When slaves were brought ashore from slave ships, they were usually inspected, cleaned, and separated before being sold at auctions. The slaves were then auctioned off to the highest bidder, typically plantation owners or slave traders, who would then use them for labor in fields, mines, or households.

Related questions

How were the slaves horridly beaten on their journey to the new world?

They were beaten with: Whips, Canes.

What did the Africans do for the Caribbean?

the Africans were there as slaves and were forced to do work such as cutting sugar canes planting tabaco plants

What is a slave plantation?

a slave plantation is a place where the slaves used to work. many of these were sugar and cotton fields, in which the slaves would pick the sugar canes and cotton from the plant to later be processed.

Is education free?

yes, it is free but they are allowed to abuse the children. so hit them etc with canes

Is Spain education free?

yes, it is free but they are allowed to abuse the children. so hit them etc with canes

What weapons did they use to use on slaves?

they use whips to punish the slaves but they use guns to kill the slaves

Can candy canes be frozen?

Candy canes can be frozen, but you would only really want to use them for recipes and such afterwards. They will get surface condensation as they defrost, and they will not be as nice presentation wise.

What kind of canes did the standing army use?

Officers carried swagger sticks.

Where did golf balls come from?

Shepherds used to hit goat droppings with their canes, they then evolved to leather pouches stuffed with feathers.

How many layers on candy canes?

None candy canes don't have layers. Candy canes are a solid they don't have layers. CANDY CANES DON'T HAVE LAYERS. But onions have layers.

How many people use walking canes in the US?

Over 4 million people.

When did Vincent Canes die?

Vincent Canes died in 1672.