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In British Columbia, courts have required up to two pieces of ID for individuals who appear to be minors in order to verify their age and identity. This requirement helps to ensure that minors are accurately identified and that appropriate measures are taken to protect their rights and well-being.

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Q: Courts in BC have assigned up to How many pieces of ID are required in BC for individuals who appear to be minors?
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Are you required to appear in court to answer a civil summons in NC?

Yes, if you receive a civil summons in North Carolina, you are required to respond to it, either by appearing in court on the specified date or by filing the necessary legal documents as directed by the court. Failure to respond could result in a default judgment being entered against you.

What are your rights for not going to appear summons?

If you receive a summons, it is generally required by law to comply with it. Failure to appear can result in legal penalties, such as fines or an arrest warrant being issued. It is advisable to seek legal advice if you are unable to attend a summons for a legitimate reason.

Do resident aliens have to serve jury duty?

Yes, resident aliens are typically required to serve jury duty in the United States, as long as they meet the eligibility criteria set by the state or federal court. Failure to appear for jury duty can result in penalties.

Who is Edmonia G. Highgate?

There doesn't appear to be a well-known figure named Edmonia G. Highgate. It's possible that the name is a combination of two different individuals or a fictional character. Can you provide more context or details so I can better assist you?

If you write a character reference letter do you have to appear in court?

Not necessarily. Character reference letters are usually submitted to the court as written evidence of a person's good character, behavior, and reputation. In some cases, the writer may be called to testify in court to further support the contents of the letter, but it is not always required.

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I think the questioner is asking about Small Claims Courts. Simply file a motion requesting to appear and bring the documents to identify your respondant, so that they can be subpoeana'd to appear.

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Have you assigned you post to you category, when you make a post you can assign it to a category, if you don't it will not appear.

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Crime committed against "the state." Individuals (who are victims or complainants) appear in court to testify as to the facts of the crimes committed against them, but the the crime is prosecuted as if it were a crime against all citizens of the state.

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Appear in court.

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Anything assigned to the text property of a text window will appear in the window at the next refresh.

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