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It would depend on the laws of intestacy in the specific jurisdiction and if there were any extenuating circumstances that might allow a claim to be made after such a long period. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional to discuss the specifics of the situation.

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Q: Can your son still make claim to his deceased fathers estate after 12 yrs?
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A person has a judgment against me and now that person has died is the judgment voided?

The death of the person who has a judgment against you does not automatically void the judgment. The estate of the deceased person may still pursue collection of the judgment or transfer it to someone else. It is advisable to consult with a lawyer to understand your legal options in this situation.

Can you collect money from your dead fathers unclaimed funds if your step mother was the estate representative and she has since remarried?

It would depend on the laws of the specific jurisdiction and the specific circumstances of the situation. Generally, heirs or beneficiaries may have a claim to unclaimed funds, but it is best to consult with a lawyer or probate court to determine your rights in this situation.

Can estranged children claim fathers intestate estate?

Laws regarding inheritance vary by jurisdiction, but generally, estranged children can still be entitled to claim a portion of their father's intestate estate if they are able to establish their legal right to inheritance. However, this may depend on factors such as the laws of the specific jurisdiction, any existing wills or legal documents, and the nature of the estrangement. It is advisable to seek legal counsel for guidance specific to the situation.

Are adult children responsible for paying deceased parents taxes?

Adult children are generally not responsible for paying the taxes owed by their deceased parents. However, the estate of the deceased parent is typically responsible for settling any outstanding tax obligations before distributing assets to beneficiaries. It is advisable to consult with a tax professional or estate attorney for guidance on specific situations.

How can you find out if somebody has left you something in his will?

You can find out if someone has left you something in his will by checking with the deceased person's lawyer or executor of the estate. They will have information about the contents of the will and can let you know if you are named as a beneficiary.

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They can still enforce the lien. They may have to file a claim against the estate.

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Debtors MAY have a legitimate claim against the deceased persons. However they must file their claim against the ESTATE(s) of the deceased persons, not against any particular individual. Unless someone who is still alive co-signed a note or a loan, the creditors have no other claim on anyone, or anything, except the estate that the deceased left behind.

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The mortgage is still a lien against the property. A quit claim deed does not affect the liabilities and liens, which are still the responsibility of the deceased, and therefore, his estate.

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If the girlfriend is still alive then she can change her beneficiary. If she died and didn't change her beneficiary then you may have a claim if her estate went to your father. You should speak to an attorney. You refer to a "policy holder" in your question as well as an "estate". If the subject is a life insurance policy and your father was the beneficiary but was deceased when the insured died then be aware that the girlfriend probably named a contingent beneficiary on her policy.

Can sisters of a deceased sister in the state of Georgia make claim to her estate because her husband had deserted her living with another woman?

If she was still married when she died, the husband gets the estate and the sisters have no claim. Whatever relationship problems she had with her husband died with her, anything else is merely unfounded conjecture without any legal merit.

Can a credit card company go after a car of the deceased person if there is already a lien against it?

A judgment creditor may still execute the writ against property that is encumbered by lien(s). However, the existing liens take precedence when it relates to payment of such debt. That being the case it is unlikely that a judgment creditor would take such action. In a case where the property in question is part of the estate of the deceased, the probate laws of the state in which the deceased resided apply. Real property becomes part of the deceased estate and creditors must file a claim with the probate court seeking payment from the estate itself.

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They can put a claim against the estate.

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The estate is responsible for the debts of the decedent. If there is no estate the creditors are out of luck.

If the widow of the deceased remarries is she still entitled to his estate if their are legal heirs involved?

Generally, if she was married to the decedent at the time of death then she is entitled to a portion of the estate as the surviving spouse.

A person has a judgment against me and now that person has died is the judgment voided?

The death of the person who has a judgment against you does not automatically void the judgment. The estate of the deceased person may still pursue collection of the judgment or transfer it to someone else. It is advisable to consult with a lawyer to understand your legal options in this situation.

If a car is in your deceased mother's name and you don't want the car and plan to return it to the dealer will you have to pay what is still owed?

you or her estate???